RheumPAC, the ACR’s Political Action Committee, ensures that the ACR is involved in healthcare reform discussions. RheumPAC representatives have been busy attending fundraisers and educating key congressional members on the ACR’s legislative priorities.
What Is Your New Year’s Resolution for Your Practice?
If it is to clean up your old accounts receivable (A/R) and try to get them paid before writing them off, this plan can help you make your resolution a reality…
Documentation: Better Sooner Than Later
Do you want to save your practice time and money? Here’s a tip: Stay on top of documenting your patients’ records.
Rep. Allyson Schwarz Speaks at Annual Meeting
Representative Allyson Schwarz (D-Pa.) held a Healthcare Legislative Update at the 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting in Philadelphia, held in October. Rep. Schwartz spoke to a group of rheumatology professionals about the different healthcare proposals currently before Congress. As a key member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Schwartz gave an insider’s view of the healthcare reform debate going on in the House. She was interested in the perspective of the rheumatology community and took questions from the audience. Members of the audience asked the Representative about issues important to rheumatologists, such as access to care, elimination of the sustainable growth rate formula, and medical liability reform.
Building on Accomplishments
As I assume the presidency of the REF, I reflect on the accomplishments of the organization over the past two years, and I wish to thank my immediate predecessor, Leslie J. Crofford, MD, for her tremendous leadership. The achievements of the REF during her term have been truly impressive.
Multigenerational Staff: Conflicts and Opportunities
When we talk about diversity in the workplace, it’s usually assumed that we’re referring to workers’ divergent cultural, ethnic, and national backgrounds. But there’s another type of division in the workplace that has become a significant challenge for many managers: generational differences.
A Preceptorship Comes Full Circle
Ephraim P. Engleman, MD, has spent his career drawing attention to the field of rheumatology. Widely regarded as one of the founders of the modern practice of rheumatology, this 98-year-old director of the Rosalind Russell Medical Research Center for Arthritis at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), is still working hard at promoting the field.
Pearls for Denials Management and Appeals
Denials management and appeals are two of the most underestimated processes in rheumatology offices. Most practices lose thousands of dollars each year because of not following up on or incorrectly writing off denied claims. It is crucial for physicians and their staff members to stay on top of denials to boost the revenue cycle.
Digital Footprints: Managing Your Online Professional Presence
Just over a year ago, WellPoint first made headlines when it announced a joint initiative with Zagat (known for their robust restaurant reviews) to poll healthcare consumers through an online survey to assess patients’ satisfaction with their healthcare providers. Since that time, the online community of health consumers has exploded with user-generated healthcare delivery reviews and comments collected in structured surveys and unstructured social media, such as blogs, Twitter, and Facebook.
Members, Submitters Share Thoughts on ACR Journals
In an online survey conducted in the spring of 2009, the ACR collected information on journal readership patterns, satisfaction, and content interests. The survey was sent to a sample of ACR and ARHP members who had not submitted manuscripts to Arthritis & Rheumatism (A&R) or Arthritis Care & Research (AC&R) within a recent 12-month period. It was also sent, with additional questions regarding submission and review, to all members and nonmembers who had submitted at least one manuscript to either journal during the 12-month period. Because of the international scope and reputation of the ACR journals, along with the fact that most members are in clinical practice and do not generally conduct and publish research, 63% of the submitters to the journals are not members of the ACR or ARHP. The ACR journals have long been viewed as the place where both members and nonmembers seek to publish their high-quality work.
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