Gout is a common rheumatic disease often characterized by swelling, redness, and intense pain in the big toe. Once thought to be an exclusive disease of the wealthy who overindulged in food and spirits, gout has become a royal pain for millions of Americans.
Patient Fact Sheet – Gout
Gout is a painful and potentially disabling form of arthritis that has been recognized since ancient times. Treatments are available to control most cases of gout, but diagnosing this disorder can be difficult, and treatment plans often have to be tailored for each person.
New Patient vs. Established Patient Office Visits
Office visits are considered evaluation and management codes (E/M) in the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual and are a fundamental part of a rheumatologist’s day. There are two types of office visits: new patient and established patient.
A Journey Begins with the First Step
The ACR Research and Education Foundation (REF) has launched the Action Alliance network, a program that calls on rheumatologists, investigators, and health professionals to join the REF in asking patients and families to be a part of the conversation. The Action Alliance consists of two programs working together: From the Field Speakers Bureau and Patients and Families for Progress.
Magnify Rheumatology’s Legislative Impact this Month
Members of the ACR’s Executive, Government Affairs, and RheumPAC Committees, along with the Affiliate Society Council, attended 75 meetings with legislators and their staff. These meetings are critical to advancing awareness of rheumatology and the issues affecting your profession and patients.
ACR’s Advocacy Toolkit
Ways to contact your member of Congress; tips for communicating with your member of Congress; ways to get patients involved; and donloadable briefs, posters, and brochures.
ACR Partners with Patient Organizations
The ACR met with representatives from 14 patient advocacy organizations in Washington, D.C., to discuss mutual advocacy and legislative objectives.
ARHP Members Earn Leadership Position, Award
Kamala Nola, PharmD, MS, was inducted as the 2011-2012 president-elect of the Tennessee Pharmacists Association; Danuta Bujak, PhD, FNP, an ARHP member, was honored as the recipient of the 2011 Yale School of Nursing Distinguished Alumna Award.
Optimize Patient Scheduling
Optimizing patient schedules is a continuous process that is critical to physician efficiency and satisfied patients. Taking inventory of the scheduling trends in your practice can have a positive influence on tackling appointment templates, which determines patient flow that affects your revenue.
Trailblazers in Rheumatology
Since the beginning of their medical careers, Rodanthi C. Kitridou, MD, and Bevra H. Hahn, MD, have seen a huge shift in the demographics of the field.
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