It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” Cliché perhaps, but certainly fitting in describing the practice of rheumatology of late. We have been blessed with a widening array of therapies with which to treat rheumatologic illnesses. The advent of the biological era promises even greater potential for meaningful reductions in disability and death from these diseases.
The Race Between Senators McCain and Obama
At one time, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama were both considered the underdog choices to receive nominations for the 2008 presidential election.
Key Grassroots Opportunity
Congress is in recess August 11 through September 5. During this time, members of Congress are meeting with constituents in their district offices, so this is a great opportunity for you to…
Why the REF?
I am delighted to use the occasion of this inaugural REF president’s column to share a vision of the future and describe the exciting developments that will allow us to meet the challenges ahead. Although most of you know that the ACR is associated with a foundation, I find that many of our members wonder what the REF does that is different from the mission and activities of the ACR and the ARHP. In the simplest terms, the ACR and the ARHP are engaged in improving the quality of our professional lives as rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals, while the core mission of the REF is to ensure the future of our specialty.
Where Do RheumPAC Donations Go?
RheumPAC has been a standing committee of the ACR since 2007. The PAC was established to increase the ACR’s presence in Washington, D.C., and is charged with managing the contributions to congressional campaigns, as well as soliciting the membership for funds to increase the purse for these contributions.
RheumPAC: One Year, One Contribution, One Opportunity
Responders to the recent ACR membership survey emphasized the importance of political advocacy for their practices and institutions. RheumPAC, the ACR’s political action committee, was created in February 2007 to focus on the legislative issues affecting the rheumatology community.
Fredrica Smith, MD, Appointed to Practicing Physicians Advisory Council (PPAC)
Fredrica Smith, MD, a rheumatologist in Los Alamos, N.M., was recently invited to become a part of the Practicing Physicians Advisory Council (PPAC), a congressionally mandated council that advises the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and the administrator of CMS on proposed changes in regulations.
American College of Rheumatology (ACR) on Capitol Hill
“By tomorrow night, there will be so many more people on Capitol Hill who know—and are sensitive to—rheumatology and the issues that impact you and your patients. There is no substitute for what you are doing,” says Martha M. Kendrick, a partner at Patton Boggs, LLP, the ACR’s lobbying firm. This is what she told the physician, health professional, and patient participants of the ACR’s 2008 “Advocates for Arthritis” advocacy event—termed a fly-in—before they took their personal stories to the lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
Advocacy and More
A week in the life of the ACR
Eye on the Election
Over the past two years, we have heard presidential candidates touting their messages to voters. Each candidate has crafted messages they believe will appeal to voters, and as campaigns continue to accelerate, these messages will saturate the radio, television, and the reading materials of the American public.
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