During ACR Convergence 2020, Jinoos Yazdany, MD, MPH, discussed innovative research into a potential treatment for lupus, medication tapering & more. These findings may influence the treatment of rheumatic disease in the future.
ACR CONVERGENCE 2020—In her ARP keynote address on Friday, Nov. 6, Empowering Patients to Make an Impact on the Future of Healthcare, Jen Horonjeff, PhD, described a study in which researchers gathered data on pain and activity level among arthritis patients. In her view, the study provided a cautionary tale. Researchers expected the study subjects…
The Global Rheumatology Alliance is an important tool for assessing COVID-19 risk, & the ACR COVID-19 Task Force provides treatment guidance to rheumatology practitioners.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors effectively treat malignancy in ways that were not possible just a few years ago, but immune-related adverse events are a potential side effect.
The use of warfarin may increase the risk of knee or hip replacement in patients with osteoarthritis (OA), according to research presented during ACR Convergence 2020.