ACR Convergence 2024—Arthritis symptoms related to lupus are a bit of a trouble spot for clinicians, with limited data to guide treatment and overlap with other conditions, experts said in a session at ACR Convergence. Lupus arthritis (LA) is present in 95% of patients with lupus, is the main cause of work-related disability and is…
The ACR/CHEST ILD Guidelines in Practice, a video
In collaboration with the American College of Chest Physicians, the ACR released two new comprehensive guidelines aimed at improving the screening, monitoring, and treatment of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) secondary to systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs). Recently, Sindhu R. Johnson, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, director of the Toronto Scleroderma Program and principal investigator for the guideline, and Elana J. Bernstein, MD, MSc, Florence Irving associate professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at Columbia University, New York City, and co-first author, presented a webinar to talk about how the guidelines were developed and present some of the recommendations and their rationale: Watch the recording now!
Sleep Disorders & Rheumatic Disease
ACR Convergence 2024—With poor sleep a major complaint among patients with rheumatologic diseases, physicians should hone their understanding of how the body regulates sleep and how this system can be disrupted, and tailor their management plans to help patients with these issues, panelists said in a session at ACR Convergence. For some patients, their struggles…
Skin Matters: The Intersection of Dermatology & Rheumatology
Jun Kang, MD, addressed the intersection of dermatology and rheumatology, describing the nuance necessary to accurately evaluate skin manifestations and differentiate multiple conditions.
Under Pressure: Understanding Dysautonomia & POTS
Brit Adler, MD, provided a detailed analysis into the symptoms and management of patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
ARP Celebrates 58 Years of Achievements & Transformations, Identifies Challenges
ACR Convergence 2024—In a wide-ranging and engaging discussion, members of the Association of Rheumatology Professionals (ARP) tracked their progress over the years across clinical practice, research production and representation in the field, while outlining challenges and opportunities to come. The session at ACR Convergence included a panel and an audience full of past presidents of…
Youthful Exuberance: The Year in Review for Pediatric Rheumatology
WASHINGTON, D.C.—It is no small task to summarize an entire year’s worth of research accomplishments in any field of medicine, let alone one as complex as rheumatology. At ACR Convergence 2024, the Pediatric Year in Review not only provided a thoughtful summary, but also grouped advances along several different themes. Immune Health & More Jessica…
Are You an Active Ally?
“What we’re after here is something called active allyship,” said Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler, CEO and founder of The Equity Project in her keynote address at ACR Convergence 2024. “It’s where you witness something that might be an injustice or you might see a disparity, and you don’t just talk about it, you research it; you do something about it.”
Telemedicine Flexibilities for Controlled Substance Prescriptions Extended Through 2025
A third extension of telemedicine flexibilities will continue to allow prescription of controlled substances via telemedicine without an in-person visit through the end of 2025.
Prevalence of Fibromyalgia & Widespread Pain in Psoriatic Arthritis: Association with Disease Severity Assessment in a Large U.S. Registry
According to a new study, fibromyalgia prevalence is elevated in PsA and is associated with elevated disease measures, confounding reliable disease assessment for treat-to-target goals.
The Ethical Tug-of-War Over Biosimilar Adoption
The advent of biosimilar medications has offered the promise of significant cost savings for healthcare systems and patients. Biosimilars are highly similar versions of existing biologic drugs, providing a more affordable alternative once the original biologic patent expires. However, the adoption of biosimilars in the U.S. has been hampered by myriad roadblocks, many of which…