The March Rheuminations column, “Twenty Questions, Part 1” inspired many letters from TR readers. Here are just a few of those responses.
The ACR/CHEST ILD Guidelines in Practice, a video
In collaboration with the American College of Chest Physicians, the ACR released two new comprehensive guidelines aimed at improving the screening, monitoring, and treatment of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) secondary to systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs). Recently, Sindhu R. Johnson, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, director of the Toronto Scleroderma Program and principal investigator for the guideline, and Elana J. Bernstein, MD, MSc, Florence Irving associate professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at Columbia University, New York City, and co-first author, presented a webinar to talk about how the guidelines were developed and present some of the recommendations and their rationale: Watch the recording now!
ACR REF Award Provides Big Research Career Break
With many professions, getting that initial experience in an area of expertise is the hardest part of building a career. Kelli Dominick Allen, PhD, can testify that this holds true for new research scientists, or junior investigators.
Honoring Our Winners
The ACR Research and Education Foundation (REF) maintains an extensive award and grant program with research, training, and education opportunities for medical students, fellows, clinicians, researchers, health professionals, and academic institutions. This month, the REF continues to recognize its latest group of award recipients, who will begin their award terms in July.
Medicare Switch to ASP Pricing Reduces Part B Spending
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reported to Congress in January that Medicare’s switch to a payment method known as ASP, or Average Sale Price, has reduced spending on drugs in the Medicare Part B program. This system reflects actual market spending, rather than wholesale prices.
Rheum’s Role in the New National Health Service
What the United States can learn from the U.K. system
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
2007–2008 REF Award Recipients
The REF ensures the future of rheumatology by ensuring that there are well-trained rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals to provide quality care. To achieve this, REF maintains an extensive award and grant program with research, training, and education opportunities for medical students, fellows, clinicians, researchers, health professionals, and academic institutions.
ACR REF Launches ‘Within Our Reach’
The ACR Research and Education Foundation (REF) has launched “Within Our Reach,” a national, multiyear, $30-million fundraising campaign aimed at accelerating innovative research on rheumatoid arthritis. RA—long considered one of the most disabling types of arthritis—has been a primary focus of rheumatologic research. Recent advances in the basic management of RA include targeted treatments and improvements in treating other types of inflammatory arthritis. Unfortunately, we still do not know the cause of RA or have a cure.
ACR State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium
Join the ACR in Chicago April 13–15 for the 2007 State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium. The symposium will start with a focus on lupus with presentations on pathophysiology, trial metrics, and a review of recently completed clinical trials. Saturday afternoon will include an update on several diseases including Sjögren’s syndrome, fibromyalgia, pediatric vasculitis, and myositis. Following RA presentations Sunday morning, the symposium will conclude with the always-popular “Year in Review” presentation.
Keep ACR at the Table
Without your help, ACR will lose its clout at the AMA