Results from an ethics survey presented to attendees at the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting highlight the complexities and challenges of assessing potential conflicts of interest.

Subcategories:Clinical Criteria/GuidelinesEthicsLegal UpdatesLegislation & AdvocacyMeeting ReportsResearch Rheum
The ACR/CHEST ILD Guidelines in Practice, a video
In collaboration with the American College of Chest Physicians, the ACR released two new comprehensive guidelines aimed at improving the screening, monitoring, and treatment of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) secondary to systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs). Recently, Sindhu R. Johnson, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, director of the Toronto Scleroderma Program and principal investigator for the guideline, and Elana J. Bernstein, MD, MSc, Florence Irving associate professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at Columbia University, New York City, and co-first author, presented a webinar to talk about how the guidelines were developed and present some of the recommendations and their rationale: Watch the recording now!
Results from an ethics survey presented to attendees at the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting highlight the complexities and challenges of assessing potential conflicts of interest.
Mary Choy, PharmD, BCGP, FASHP |
Three clinical experts on gout offer their insights into common management errors, clinical pearls, new safety data from the FDA and the role of biologic therapies in the management of gout.
Accurately classifying patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) can be difficult, especially patients with monoarticular/oligoarticular and polyarticular forms of PsA. A session at the 2019 European Congress of Rheumatology provided insight into the assessment and treatment of PsA subtypes…
Session attendees will hear about recent successes from the Government Affairs Committee and learn how to become effective rheumatology advocates.
A new RheumPAC fund, which supports awareness and operations of the ACR’s political action committee, has exceeded an initial goal of $20,000 by two times in its first year.
Funck-Brentano et al. hypothesized that causal associations for osteoarthritis (OA) may differ by site, and they undertook this study to identify causal risk factors of knee, hip and hand OA.
Lisa Rapaport |
(Reuters Health)—Behavior changes could potentially reduce a large part of the risk for developing gout, a U.S. study suggests. Based on data from more than 14,000 people, researchers calculated how much factors like being overweight, following a diet that isn’t heart healthy, drinking alcohol or taking diuretics contribute to high levels of uric acid—a precursor…
As the 21st century unfolds, rheumatologists will most likely transition from prescribing lupus patients broad immunosuppressants to more targeted treatment approaches. But to make this happen and advance research, the challenges experienced in lupus clinical trial design must be addressed…
As of Oct. 19, Cigna will deny claims billed with codes for consultation services, making it the second payer to discontinue payment for evaluation and management codes in 2019.
Rheumatology professional and patients visited with 117 legislators and their staffs during the 2019 Advocates for Arthritis event to champion better rheumatology patient care and access.