Using 2007–2016 data from NHANES, a nationally representative survey of American men and women, Chen-Xu et al. set out to estimate the current prevalence rates and decadal trends of gout and hyperuricemia in the U.S.

Dr. Sou-Pan Wu Is the First Recipient of the Norman B. Gaylis Research Award
The Norman B. Gaylis, MD, Research Award for Rheumatologists in Community Practice is designed to encourage practicing clinicians to conduct their own research for the betterment of patients and rheumatology. The 2019 inaugural honoree is Sou-Pan Wu, MD, who will research gout in the Hmong population in Minnesota…

Update on Accelerating Medicines Partnership
The Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) was launched in 2014 as a public-private partnership to spur development of new therapeutic options for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Five years in, this unprecedented public-private effort is achieving its major milestones and yielding tools to accelerate potential new drug discoveries. The Rheumatology Research Foundation is…
How Does Health Literacy Affect the Patient Global Assessment?
For RA patients, a low score on the patient global assessment of disease activity as measured by a visual analog scale (PGA-VAS) is necessary to confirm remission. However, limited patient health literacy combined with the complexity of the scale may result in discrepancies between the PGA-VAS and provider assessments of disease activity. New research examined the patient perspective on the PGA-VAS and its connections to health literacy and disease state…
Chronic Opioid Use in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Prevalence & Predictors
Over the past decade, physicians, patients and policy makers have expressed increasing concern about the high frequency of opioids being prescribed and the association between opioid use and poor outcomes. Rates of opioid prescriptions in the general population rose considerably from the 1990s through 2010, with a plateau in the early 2010s. In 2015, 38%…

New Research Foundation Award Supports the Future of Rheumatology
The workforce shortage in rheumatology is a critical issue the Rheumatology Research Foundation is tackling. The number of patients with rheumatic disease is growing exponentially, and that means more health professionals and innovative approaches are needed to ensure rheumatology practices are set up to offer the best care. In 2018, the ARP released a core…

The RISE Registry Delivers Practice-Based Evidence to Rheumatologists
The advent of quality-based healthcare, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), requires rheumatology professionals to demonstrate their practice is based on interventions supported by the best available evidence and that their practice, in turn, provides quality care. These requirements have increased the need for methods to measure and quantify…
Metrics in Rheumatology: Focus on Harold E. (Hal) Paulus, MD
We have just learned that Dr. Hal Paulus passed away on April 5, 2019. We are reposting this story today in his memory and will share additional information as we learn it.

Has Rheumatology Become a More Attractive Career?
Rheumatology has historically been a less common career choice than other internal medicine subspecialties, but that may be changing…
Myocardial Inflammation Associated with RA Disease Activity
Introduction: Heart failure, a key contributor to cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality, is associated with fewer symptoms and higher (preserved) ejection fraction, but higher mortality rates, in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients than among those in the general population. In the general population, higher levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)…
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