Implicit bias can affect patient care at the physician level when they’re making treatment decisions and at the healthcare organization level when they’re choosing new hires. Here are insights into strategies rheumatologists can use to become aware of, and question, their implicit biases.
Despite challenges, private practice has many rewards, such as more autonomy, says Tien-I Karleen Su, MD, FACR, chair of the ACR’s Community Practice Council.
In this episode, Dr. Kumar discusses brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership.
Community practice rheumatology brings with it certain challenges, but it also offers rewards, such as autonomy and the capacity to develop deep relationships with patients. Three rheumatologists discuss the challenges and rewards of private practice.
“I’m actually from Iowa. Where do you hail from?” I replied, in the friendliest tone I could muster. Many readers may already know the context, but I’ll rewind a few moments to clear up any ambiguity. I was in clinic and talking with a kind lady with joint pain. While I was in the middle…
Eric L. Matteson, MD, MPH, & Evelyn Hsieh, MD, PhD |
Dedicated to advancing rheumatology education worldwide On Feb. 24, 2024, distinguished professor of medicine and rheumatology Debashish Danda, MBBS, MD, DM, FRCP, was lost to the world following a tragic motor vehicle accident. Dr. Danda was highly respected both in his home country of India and on the international stage for his contributions to advancing…
A journey of excellence by a quintessential rheumatologist Robert James Lloyd Jr., MD, FACP, MACR, passed away peacefully on Feb. 4, 2024, at his home in Falls Church, Va. Bob, as he was known to loved ones, was born in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 1943. He grew up in Providence, R.I., where he attended…
The implementation of the new G2211 code on Jan. 1 increases reimbursement for rheumatology visits, but the ACR continues to fight for retroactive repayment of the across-the-board Medicare physician reimbursement cuts implemented at the same time, as well as structural changes to the program to make serving Medicare patients sustainable for rheumatologists in the long term.