In this episode, Dr. Bharat Kumar, physician editor of The Rheumatologist, discusses the definition of empathy and its role in rheumatology.

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In this episode, Dr. Bharat Kumar, physician editor of The Rheumatologist, discusses the definition of empathy and its role in rheumatology.
Rheumatologists who are outstanding researchers, educators and/or clinicians, who provide consistently exceptional care to patients, who have achieved a level of distinction in the field and who serve as role models for colleagues and trainees are highlighted in this recurring series. Fred Wigley, MD, MACR, is the Martha McCrory Professor of Medicine at the Johns…
Is it 2024 already? It seems like yesterday that I stuffed all my earthly belongings into my black Volkswagen Jetta and headed from Lexington, Ky., to Iowa City, Iowa, to start my rheumatology fellowship.1 That was 10 years ago. Now, in 2024, as I go online—particularly on social media—and see the various happy, smiling faces…
New Committee on Rheumatologic Care (CORC) Chair Chris Phillips, MD, talks about his past work with the ACR, his experience as a private practice rheumatologist and his plans to lead CORC in addressing practitioner pain points and supporting the business side of rheumatology practice.
In 1937, the Turkish physician Hulusi Behçet described a number of patients with relapsing aphthous ulcers in the mouth and over the genitalia, as well as hypopyon iritis. Since that time, the eponymous condition, known as Behçet’s disease, has been recognized as a multisystem vasculitis that can present with myriad other signs and symptoms. Although…
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. I was at a mandatory “training session” on patient communication for all clinicians at my institution. There, I was being coached on how to properly talk to patients. In theory, this isn’t a bad thing—we all need more education on how to facilitate inclusive and equitable conversations with…
SAN DIEGO—“I’m going to get personal,” said Kaleb Michaud, PhD, in the ARP Distinguished Lecture at ACR Convergence 2023. When he was 3 years old, the young Kaleb was diagnosed him with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).
In this episode, Dr. Kumar and guest Lindsay Moy, DO, a rheumatology fellow at the University of Iowa, discuss the intersection of immunology and rheumatology. Answer their question on X @BharatKumarMD.
Editor’s note: Rheumatologists who are outstanding researchers, educators and/or clinicians, who provide consistently exceptional care to patients, have achieved a level of distinction in the field and serve as role models for colleagues and trainees are highlighted in this recurring series. Be curious. Listen to your patients. Demonstrate empathy. These traits, according to Herbert S.B….
Elizabeth Hofheinz, MPH, MEd |
Some people may think Pakistan and Oklahoma share little in common, but one recent graduate of the rheumatology fellowship program at Louisiana State University, Shreveport (LSUS), School of Medicine disagrees. Iman Qaiser, MD, MBBS, a native of Pakistan who is starting a role as the only rheumatologist serving the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, sees natural…