Editor’s note: Jan. 23, 2024. We have just learned that Dr. Paul Plotz passed away recently following a long illness. Come back soon for additional information. Here, we republish an interview with Dr. Plotz from 2019.
SAN DIEGO—“I’m going to get personal,” said Kaleb Michaud, PhD, in the ARP Distinguished Lecture at ACR Convergence 2023. When he was 3 years old, the young Kaleb was diagnosed him with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).
A pediatric rheumatologist diagnosed with RA following the birth of her first child talks about integrative care & offers tips for helping patients reduce the symptom burden.
My patients ask me almost daily what kind of diet they should be on, or if there are certain supplements they should try. And a growing amount of evidence shows lifestyle and dietary factors may contribute to disease risk and outcomes in rheumatic disease. Thus, rheumatologists and rheumatology professionals are being called upon by patients…
Spam, spam, advertisement, spam … wait wait, what’s this? A small envelope, addressed from Maine. I wonder what this is about? Usually, when I get an envelope this size, it’s a letter from someone trying to sell me something or complain about something I have no control over. So imagine my surprise when I found…
A plain X-ray film appeared on the computer screen—a humerus, a radius and an ulna were all visible. My pupils zoomed around the screen, and on initial inspection, everything looked fine. However, this X-ray was unlike any film I had ever reviewed. You see, it was for my then 4-year-old puppy, Lexi. My sweet little…
Rheumatologists are often called upon to see patients with unexplained symptoms and mysterious illnesses and to manage disease, sometimes with a dearth of evidence. Patients in rheumatology practices also tend to explore treatment modalities outside of the established medical model, sometimes referred to as fringe medicine. Complementary and alternative medicine practices that comprise fringe medicine…
PHILADELPHIA—Acknowledging the complexities of medical care for transgender (trans) and nonbinary or gender-diverse patients and emphasizing the urgency of doing it right, two experts offered guideposts to clinicians in an ACR Convergence 2022 session titled Dignity and Respect: How to Welcome and Care for Gender Diverse Patients in Your Practice, with advice on providing clinical…
Admittedly, there’s not much to see on a country road 100 miles southwest of Iowa City, Iowa. It’s especially true in winter, when a blanket of white snow obscures any and all features of the seemingly endless fields of corn and soy. In the radiance of fresh snow on a bright winter day, even the…
At ACR Convergence 2022, three women with rheumatic diseases discuss the profound life changes that the diseases wrought and ways they’ve found to cope.