A pair of rheumatologists among this year’s NAS inductees
The Peripatetitc Theodore Pincus, MD
Tireless champion for patient self-report
ACR REF Niche Award Helps Define a Research Career
Joyce Hsu, MD, has always been interested in pediatric medicine and she found a perfect niche for herself in pediatric rheumatology. She completed a pediatric residency at the University of California, Los Angeles and worked as a general pediatrician for a year while considering rheumatology.
A Day in the Life of Michael J. Maricic, MD
For Michael J. Maricic, MD, the heat is always on—and not just from the scalding temperatures of the ever-present Tucson sun. Strolling through the lobby of his bone clinic, the same sign awaits him every morning: “Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic disorders, combined with compassionate care.” Compassion is a primary adjective in that sentence and in his mind, and Dr. Maricic hopes this commitment will make him and his partners a top practice in a very busy market. After all, Arizona is a place where people retire—often taking their rheumatism with them.
REF Award Opens New Doors for Young Investigator
Do you know that old adage about the best-laid plans? If you ask Jon T. Giles, MD, about it, he’d agree that even the firmest plans change. “When I entered medical school at Vanderbilt University, I was convinced that I’d pursue subspecialty training in neurology,” recalls Dr. Giles. “My plan was to specialize in movement disorders.”
Care and Compassion
London Lupus Centre provides multidisciplinary treatment and camaraderie to those seeking lupus and APS treatment
ARHP Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Robert Richardson Reflects on Career
We all bring to the table our skills to form a comprehensive treatment plan, and that’s essential for meeting the patient’s total needs. It’s an excellent model to deliver quality care. —Robert Richardson, PT, MEd Robert Richardson, PT, MEd, has a lively voice that conveys his deep enthusiasm for a profession he’s had a hand…
ACR REF Award Provides Big Research Career Break
With many professions, getting that initial experience in an area of expertise is the hardest part of building a career. Kelli Dominick Allen, PhD, can testify that this holds true for new research scientists, or junior investigators.
A Day in the Life of Gay Kuchta, OT
Treating children with rheumatologic diseases takes a unique approach. “You shouldn’t treat them as little adults,” says Gay Kuchta, OT, who works in pediatrics at the Mary Pack Arthritis Program at Vancouver Hospital in British Columbia. “They take special consideration.”
A Helping Hand for Arthritis Discovery
Arthritis Foundation supports studies and the researchers behind them