In this episode of his monthly video series for The Rheumatologist, physician editor Dr. Bharat Kumar talks about isolation and its impact on our patients with rheumatic disease, and the rheumatologist’s role in combating it.
At first, there was an incomprehensibly loud explosion. And out of that explosion, about 4.5 billion years afterward, emerged the world’s first rheumatologist. Only a few notable things have happened between these two events, but the most important dynamic has been the continuous expansion of our universe. If the speculations of many cosmologists are correct,…
In this episode of his monthly video series for The Rheumatologist, physician editor Dr. Bharat Kumar talks about dreams—their importance and the role of the rheumatologist and rheumatology professionals in helping patients fulfill their dreams.
The world didn’t end on Jan. 1, 2000. The Y2K bug didn’t crash airplanes and liquidate bank assets. We were, overall, hopeful for the future—a new millennium full of futuristic visions of a techno-utopia. Fast forward a quarter of a century and we now live in that technologically advanced age that once seemed so far…
It’s dark. It’s cold. And it’s 5 p.m. here in Iowa. If that sounds rather bleak to you, I wouldn’t blame you. But to Stella, my 12-year-old canine companion, it’s a wonderland. She’s half-Shetland sheepdog and half-American Eskimo, so the colder and snowier it is, the more she feels at home. And although I do…
I read a lot of essays and, believe it or not, I’ve been known to write a few on occasion as well. The majority of them kind of linger in the back of my mind and are slowly forgotten. The ones that stick with me tend to be the application essays that I scrutinize every…
In this episode, Dr. Bharat Kumar offers some advice to aspiring rheumatologists on how to present themselves in the best light possible in their application essays. He also offers a sneak peek at the rest of the compelling content in the November issue of The Rheumatologist.
1949 was a momentous year—astronomer Fred Hoyle coined the term Big Bang, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed, and Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic musical South Pacific opened on Broadway.1 Much less recognized was the publication of an essay by Richard Asher, FRCP, titled the “Seven Sins of Medicine.”2 Although it’s over 75 years…