Take the challenge. 1. B—No. CPT 99358, prolonged evaluation and management service can be billed before or after direct patient care, first hour or 99539 —each additional 30 minutes (list separately in addition to code for prolonged service). This code cannot be used to bill a higher level E/M visit code. According to 2017 CPT:…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Questions: 2017 End-of-Year Quiz
1. A 68-year-old new female patient has an appointment to see the rheumatologist in four days. The patient has her medical records sent over from her primary care physician, neurologist and endocrinologist for the rheumatologist to review prior to the visit. Upon receipt, the rheumatologist spends 55 minutes reviewing the records and making notes. Can…
CMS Finalizes Changes in CY 2018 for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
We previously alerted you to a CMS-proposed change that would cut reimbursement for the complete diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) significantly. We are pleased to report that, in its final rule, the CMS reversed that decision, and providers will see a reasonable reimbursement for the exam. The ACR advocated on your behalf for this change through…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Question: Evaluation for Possible Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
History A 25-year-old female patient is seen in the office after her primary care physician requested a consultation for a possible diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The patient presents today with muscle pain in both legs, she rates the pain at an 8 on a scale of 10. She states she experiences throbbing, usually…
ACR Works to Eliminate Part B Drug Costs from MIPS Payment Adjustments
The ACR is taking steps to clarify a proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that, as currently written, would consider the cost of Part B drugs when calculating physician reimbursement under the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). “The ACR is concerned about this, because large cuts to reimbursement for pass-through…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Answer: Prolonged Service without Direct Patient Contact, Part 2
Take the challenge. CPT codes 99358—prolonged evaluation and management (E/M) service before and/or after patient care; first hour 99359—each additional 30 minutes (list separately in addition to codes for prolonged service) Coding Rationale No—This scenario would not support the medical necessity to bill the prolonged service code(s). Keep in mind, the time that the supporting…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Question: Prolonged Service without Direct Patient Contact, Part 2
An established, 66-year-old male patient is seen in the office for a follow-up visit for his fibromyalgia. The physician makes the decision to prescribe venlafaxine for anxiety and depression, and gabapentin for nerve pain. After the visit, the physician informs his medical assistant (MA) to contact the patient’s insurance carrier because venlafaxine requires a prior…

Tips to Manage, Prevent Medical Billing Claim Denials
Physicians are increasingly fighting multiple forces in running a practice, and one of the most common barriers to effective revenue cycle management is frequent medical billing and claim denials. An insurance company’s denial for services places a significant strain on the financial process of the practice, which affects the bottom line. According to the Medical…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Answer: New Patient Prolonged Service Without Direct Patient Contact, Part 1
Take the Challenge. ICD-10 Codes R76.1—Raised antibody titer L20.8—Other atopic dermatitis R20.2—Paresthesia of skin R20.1—Hypoesthesia of skin CPT Codes 99358 and 99359 Rationale The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) typically does not allow separate payment for physician services that do not require face-to-face time with a patient, but as of Jan. 1, 2017,…
Rheumatology Coding Corner Question: New Patient Prolonged Service Without Direct Patient Contact, Part 1
A 67-year-old female patient from New York with a long history of fatigue, joint and muscle pain, rash and fevers is scheduled to see the rheumatologist in five days. She is referred to the rheumatologist by her primary care physician (PCP) for possible diagnosis of lupus erythematosus. The patient requested her medical records from her…
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