The increased use of telemedicine that began in 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to provide new ways to expand patient care in rheumatology.

Subcategories:Billing/CodingEMRsFacilityInsuranceQuality Assurance/ImprovementTechnologyWorkforce
The increased use of telemedicine that began in 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to provide new ways to expand patient care in rheumatology.
Laura E. Ray, MA, MLS, on behalf of the ARP E-Learning Subcommittee of the ACR Committee on Education |
Developing instructional sessions or courses for delivery in online (i.e., asynchronous, not live) or remote (i.e., synchronous, live) learning environments rests on a foundation of traditional instructional design and active learning concepts. Successful online/remote instruction interprets those foundational concepts through technological and multimedia components. For example, the ADDIE instructional design model may be interpreted: Analyze—determine…
Rebecca Shepherd, MD, MBA, FACR, FACP |
In recent months, the ISC has engaged with payers to reduce administrative burden on practices and continues to advocate to the CMS for the use of complex administration codes for biologics.
the ACR RISE Registry Team |
The ACR RISE Registry staff highlights need-to-know information and key changes for the 2023 performance year as outlined in the proposed rule released July 7.
Beenish Zulfiqar, MD |
It’s 11 a.m. on a Wednesday. You see a new patient in your fellow’s clinic with impressive physical findings, including a prominent skin rash and deforming arthritis. The patient has been to many doctors and is frustrated that her condition remains undiagnosed and untreated. You thoroughly examine the patient, present her case to your attending…
Didem Saygin, MD, Bethany Marston, MD, Nina Couette, DO, Sara Patrizi, DO, & Adam Kilian, MD |
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the ACR’s Committee on Training and Workforce (COTW) has been interested in better understanding how fellowship recruitment is affected by virtual recruitment from the perspectives of both program directors and trainees. This past year, the COTW conducted a survey study to gain the perspective of program directors.1 The Rheumatology…
Dana DiRenzo, MD, MHS |
The prescription is a powerful tool for a physician. As rheumatologists, we prescribe many things—drugs, physical therapy, durable medical equipment—but what about stress reduction? We are very specific about times of day to take medications and in what manner. Patients ask: With or without food? With other medications? Before or after other prescribed medications? If…
Hurricane Ida intensified in the last two weeks of August 2021, battering the Cayman Islands and Cuba before hitting the Louisiana coast as a Category 4 storm just before Labor Day weekend.1 At landfall, Ida blasted southern Louisiana with maximum sustained winds of 150 knots, then turned in a north-northwestern direction to hit the New…
If enacted as is, the proposed CY 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program would make significant cuts to reimbursement for evaluation and management services, creating financial instability for providers. On a positive note, it would extend some telehealth flexibilities 151 days beyond the official end of the public health emergency.
Cigna will not move forward with changes to their reimbursement policy for evaluation and management (E/M) codes submitted with modifier 25 as originally scheduled.