Rheumatology programs make strides in work–life balance support
Readers Answer ‘Twenty Questions’
The March Rheuminations column, “Twenty Questions, Part 1” inspired many letters from TR readers. Here are just a few of those responses.
Coding Corner Answer
March’s Coding Answer
Coding Corner Question
April’s Coding Challenge
Now’s Your Chance to Join an ACR Committee
Volunteers who serve on the ACR’s committees and subcommittees are a vital component of the organization’s ability to respond to the rheumatology landscape for the benefit of members. There are many complex issues facing the subspecialty of rheumatology; it is those dedicated members who choose to become involved who drive the organization’s achievements in advocacy, training, recruitment, education, practice support, and the development of professional standards.
Medicare Switch to ASP Pricing Reduces Part B Spending
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reported to Congress in January that Medicare’s switch to a payment method known as ASP, or Average Sale Price, has reduced spending on drugs in the Medicare Part B program. This system reflects actual market spending, rather than wholesale prices.
National Provider Identifier System Becomes Mandatory Next Month
On May 23 it will be mandatory to use your National Provider Identifier (NPI) number when billing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Currently, you can use your PIN alone, your PIN and the new NPI, or the NPI alone—but as of May 23, only the NPI number will be accepted.
Rheum’s Role in the New National Health Service
What the United States can learn from the U.K. system
Go Digital
Rheumatologists’ recommendations for choosing an electronic medical record
Clinician Call to Action
Use teamwork, screening, and scheduling to improve efficiency—and patient care