March’s Coding Challenge
Coding Corner Answer
February’s Coding Answer
Physical Intimacy, Sex, and Rheumatic Disease
Sexuality is like the crazy auntie in every family. Everyone knows she’s part of the family, and she’s there at all the gatherings, but no one wants to talk about her, or to her,” says Amye Leong, MBA, of a subject she’s very passionate about: sexual experience and the rheumatology patient. Leong is the speaker for the April 17 ARHP audioconference.
Coding Changes for 2007
Note these CPT and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code changes…
AMA and ACR Physician Practice Information Survey
The American Medical Association (AMA), with the support of the ACR and more than 60 other medical specialty societies, will begin conducting a multispecialty survey of America’s physician practices this year.
Twenty Questions, Part 2
Outcomes measures can standardize care—but they can’t standardize patients
Professional Partners
Rheumatologists and nurse practitioners team up to improve workflow and patient care
Target Remission
Strategies to identify and track remission in your RA patients
Combine With Medicare Part D to Help Patients Afford Prescriptions
According to the 2003 U.S. Census, 29 million people in the United States make less than 200% of the federal poverty level and have no health insurance. Many persons have difficulty affording prescribed medications. In addition to Medicare Part D, there are more than 350 public and private patient assistance programs, including programs by pharmaceutical companies, that help patients pay for prescriptions.
What Has the ACR Done for You Lately?
The world in which we currently practice is not the same one we knew five to 10 years ago. Insurers second-guess our decisions and create numerous hurdles for us to overcome before our patients can be treated. Government agencies are seeking ways to reduce healthcare expenditures and improve what they perceive as a lack of quality and consistency in healthcare delivery. These groups, as well as Congress and employers (who purchase benefits for their employees), have begun a concerted effort to grade rheumatologists on the basis of what they perceive to be quality and efficiency and then pay us according to those criteria.