Information overload generated by the media, family, friends and colleagues is apparent today. Personal beliefs play an important role in how we filter and process the abundant information available and subsequently identify its utility in daily life. Regardless of professional specialty, individual beliefs underpin personal approaches to clinical care, research development and engagement with patients…
Conservation of Drugs: The Impact of Acute Immunomodulator Prescribing for COVID-19 on Rheumatology Patients
In its COVID-19 treatment guidelines, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists several drugs commonly prescribed for patients with rheumatic conditions as potential therapies in those who are hospitalized for COVID-19 and require high-flow oxygen, noninvasive ventilation, intermittent ventilation (IMV) or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), as of Aug. 25, 2021, and current as this is…
ARP Launches Boot Camp for Advanced Practice Providers New to Rheumatology
The 2015 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Workforce Study projected that by 2030 the number of adult rheumatologists will decline by 25%.1 The result: Demand for rheumatologists is projected to be more than twice the available supply of providers by 2030. Advanced practice rheumatology professionals can help practices overcome the barrier this mismatch will create…
2 ARP Volunteers Share Their Enriching Experiences
It may not take a village, but when it comes to providing stellar care to rheumatology and musculoskeletal patients, it definitely takes a team. To ensure all rheumatology professionals are thoroughly prepared to serve their patients’ needs in a personalized manner, there is the ARP—the Association of Rheumatology Professionals. The ARP, the interprofessional division of…
Barbara Slusher, MSW, PA-C, Takes the Reins of ARP
Ms. Slusher brings a varied background and many goals to her new role as ARP president, including engaging with volunteers and building connections with all members of healthcare teams.
Who You Know Matters … But Not with the ARP
Over the past 16 months, the world has shone a bright light on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Although the College has been focused on diversity initiatives since 2020, the interprofessional division of the College, the ARP, has recently taken a deeper dive into DEI initiatives in its processes, procedures and volunteering….
Healthcare Extenders Can Reduce Physician Burden & Improve Patient Access & Care
In the early 1900s, the treatment for rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease (RMD) was primarily targeted at symptomatic relief and included analgesics, physical therapy, splinting and bed rest. With the discovery of methotrexate and its impact on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) management, a much-needed evolution of medications targeting disease activity began. Over the past 30 years, several…
4 ARP Members Talk About Their Roads to Advocacy & Why It Matters
The Budget Control Act of 2011 cut Medicare physician payments by 2% across the board. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law in 2020, suspended this sequester (i.e., a cut in government spending) between May 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. In the Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law in December…
What the ARP & the College Are Doing For You
As we emerge from the grips of a global pandemic, we are taking this opportunity to pause and reflect on the ARP and what our division brings to the care of our patients. I found the words of Amanda Gordon’s inaugural reading of her poem, “The Hill We Climb,” inspirational and instructive for our past,…
The AHRP Research Committee Enhances Research Knowledge, Skills for Members
Editor’s note: The new Pillar Talk column is developed by the ARHP Executive Committee in an effort to share information about ongoing activities related to our four pillars: Education, Practice, Research and Advocacy. The ARHP Research Subcommittee is committed to promoting research and enhancing research opportunities for health professionals and researchers working in rheumatology. A…