The National Fraud Prevention Program aims to cut the rate of improper payment claims in half.
Extended Warranties for Medical Equipment
The art of purchasing a piece of medical equipment requires the perfect combination of medical, financial, business, and legal expertise.
Physician Texting Could Violate HIPAA
HIPAA requires that healthcare providers maintain administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect patient information. This safeguard requirement has many physicians’ attorneys worried that their clients are violating HIPAA on a regular basis.
Get Employment Records In Writing
With employees in your medical practice, timely documentation is key.
Electronic Health Record Contracts Done Right
Consider both your practice’s needs and the long-term viability of the technology when selecting an EHR system.
Disaster Planning for Your Medical Practice
Are you ready if a disaster destroys your medical office space and patient records? Here are a few basic steps necessary to creating a disaster plan and putting it into action.
Practice Pearls: Disaster Checklist
In any disaster, medical practices should have a number of items on hand that might be needed during an emergency.
Medical Practice Mergers: Being Bigger Has its Advantages
A merger of medical practices can provide significant and long-term benefits to a rheumatology practice. However, a number of difficult decisions and legal issues must be addressed.
Role of the Physician and Healthcare Professional in Helping a Patient Obtain Disability Benefits
A review of the two most common disability insurance programs for people who can no longer work, and the healthcare worker’s role in assisting patients with their disability claims.
Liability of Sharing Physician Office Space
Physicians are sharing office space in an effort to reduce costs associated with owning a practice. If you plan to sublease part of your office space, you need to know the legalities associated with this business model.