RheumPAC will once again conduct a matching campaign in November, coinciding with ACR Convergence 2020. During this time, all donations to RheumPAC will be amplified by leaders from the College, who will match various dollar amounts for each contribution. Additionally, many will donate a larger amount for first-time investors. Last year, matching funds contributed $91…
In a letter sent to commercial payers, the ACR’s Insurance Subcommittee is advocating for continued coverage for telemedicine, including reimbursement parity, after the end of the declared public health emergency.
RheumPAC donors attended a virtual legislative update and Q&A with former pediatrician Rep. Kim Schrier, MD (D-Wash.), to gain an insider’s view of current healthcare legislation.
On Sept. 15, rheumatology advocates met virtually with members of Congress to share personal accounts of how telehealth is making a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic and what will help stem a workforce shortage.
What to vaccinate for and when to do so are challenges for rheumatologists and rheumatology professionals under normal circumstances. During the COVID-19 pandemic, even more questions are being raised, specifically regarding a possible vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. The ACR’s COVID-19 Practice and Advocacy Task Force is working on a guidance document to help ACR members address these pressing questions.
The COVID-19 pandemic and response disrupted state legislative sessions and agendas in 2020, leaving many ACR priorities unfulfilled and highlighting the urgent need for vocal rheumatology leaders in Washington, D.C., and state capitols.
Bharat Kumar, MD, Advocacy 101 coordinator and Government Affairs Committee member, describes the virtual program designed to educate and empower rheumatology fellows in training, program directors and ARP members to advocate for issues that affect rheumatology practices and patients in advance of the Advocates for Arthritis that will take place virtually in September.
The conversation with Stephen Hahn, MD, addressed challenges associated with hydroxychloroquine access during the COVID-19 public health emergency and handling patient concerns about potential cardiac side effects.