The new chair of the ACR’s Government Affairs Committee, Dr. Downey says physicians play a vital role in helping policymakers understand how policies and laws affect patients and the practice of rheumatology.
Prior authorization and step therapy reform bills recently enacted in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts offer case studies into how substantive policy change can take persistence, patience and a bipartisan approach to achieve success.
Key successes for the rheumatology community secured by the ACR’s delegation include passage of the ACR’s resolution addressing pharmacy benefit administrators, advances in policies to protect rheumatologists and patients in the post-Dobbs landscape and retention of the rheumatology’s representation in the AMA House of Delegates.
On Nov. 1, the CMS finalized the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for 2023. The rule finalizes many policies, significantly: a 4.5% decrease in the conversion factor, a delay in split/shared implementation, continued refinement of evaluation and management coding and documentation, and telehealth flexibilities that will remain in place through 2023. Thanks to ACR advocacy, the CMS reinstated five-minute pre- and post-service times for musculoskeletal ultrasound codes.
At the AMA House of Delegates meeting in November, the ACR’s delegation will lead over a dozen cosponsoring specialties and medical associations in advancing a resolution addressing serious concerns about third-party pharmacy benefit administrators and the impacts of their disruptive practices.
In November, RheumPAC will be leading its annual matching campaign and hosting two events at ACR Convergence 2022. Thanks to matching donors, every contribution in November will be amplified.
Outgoing Government Affairs Committee Chair Blair Solow, MD, offers advocacy updates from 2022 and seasonal reflections on how to stay focused on efforts that matter when faced with daunting challenges.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Sept. 14, the ACR praised the House of Representatives for overwhelmingly passing bipartisan legislation intended to make it easier for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries to access the timely care they need. The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act (H.R. 3173) passed the House on a voice vote. If enacted, the bill will create…
The American Medical Association’s Relative Value Update Committee advises the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on appropriate reimbursement rates for specialty services. Luke Barré, MD, MPH, RhMSUS, is learning the ropes as the ACR’s newest representative.