The ACR strongly urges Congress to enact the “Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act of 2007” (S. 626/H.R.1283), introduced by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Christopher Bond (R-Mo.) and Representatives Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) and Chip Pickering (R-Miss.).
Disappearing Dollars
What’s happening to federal research funding in rheumatology?
Grassroots: Take Action
Wondering what can you do to effectively promote rheumatology issues in Washington? Here are some ways you can get involved…
ACR Attends AMA House of Delegates
On Saturday, June 23, 2007, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates convened in Chicago; the meeting’s theme was advocacy. The ACR was represented by its delegate Melvin Britton, MD, and alternate delegate Gary Bryant, MD.
SCHIP Legislation a Priority
There are approximately 9 million uninsured children in the United States, and the number is increasing. Of those 9 million, 6 million are eligible for – but not enrolled in – the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) or Medicaid.
Stop the Steep Imaging Cuts of 2005
DXA reimbursement will be cut 75% by 2010 if Congress does not act now. Reimbursement for imaging studies such as DXA has been reduced to the Hospital Outpatient Perspective Payment System (HOPPS) rate, based on a Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) provision. This reduction not only negatively affects rheumatologists who perform imaging studies in their offices, but will also affect access to care and increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries.
Public Service and the Rheumatologist
Civic duties may soon be too burdensome for even willing public servants
Top 11 Ways You Can Advocate
Many of the specialty’s challenges and goals hinge on your participation
Support for a Future without RA
Shirley Enis of Jacksboro, Texas, has decided to get involved with “Within Our Reach” because the campaign has the capacity to improve RA patients’ quality of life, alleviate long-term effects of RA, and ultimately ensure that future generations can enjoy life without RA.
First Round of “Within Our Reach” Grants
The ACR Research and Education Foundation (REF) “Within Our Reach” campaign awarded approximately $6 million to 15 recipients this month.