This study affirms that dysbiosis is a feature of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and suggests that specific therapies may differentially modulate the gastrointestinal microbiota in RA.
What the Joints Say: Challenges of Tender & Swollen Joint Count Differences
In a new study published in ACR Open Rheumatology, researchers evaluated the impact of tender-swollen joint difference on functional outcomes in early RA and whether associations vary by joint size.

Interventions to Delay RA Onset
Two new successful trials in abatacept, APIPPRA and ARIAA, are the first to convincingly demonstrate the potential of a preventive approach to RA treatment.

2024 Research Updates in ANCA-Associated & IgA Vasculitis
Summaries of selected research abstracts on ANCA-associated vasculitis & IgA vasculitis from the International Vasculitis Workshop.

3 AC&R Study Summaries: Lupus Fog, SSc Variance By Ethnicity & Tuberculosis Screening in New DMARD Users
Lupus Fog? By Laura C. Plantinga, PhD, Patricia P. Katz, PhD, S. Sam Lim, MD, MPH, C. Barrett Bowling, MD, MSPH, & Jinoos Yazdany, MD, MPH Why was this study done? Perceived cognitive impairment (i.e., lupus fog) is common in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, comprehensive, multidomain assessments of objective cognitive function are rarely performed….

What’s New in Large Vessel Vasculitis
The large vessel vasculitides were a major focus of the 21st International Vasculitis Workshop held in Barcelona in April. The biennial conference brings together specialists from multiple disciplines, including rheumatology, nephrology and immunology, to discuss cutting-edge vasculitis research. This article reviews important points regarding the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of both giant cell arteritis and…

CAR-T Cells: Are We Closer to Drug-Free Remission Than We Think?
Most Sunday mornings, I make myself an exceptional cup of pour-over coffee and sit down on my deck with the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. I check out the image of the week. I read the case report with pen in hand, racing to diagnose the patient before the authors spill…

Methotrexate Shows Promise for Hand Arthritis
Methotrexate—an affordable, established drug for rheumatoid arthritis—may also be helpful for patients suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand, a recent study reports.1 Treatment of hand OA and inflammation with 20 mg of methotrexate for six months had a moderate, but potentially clinically meaningful, effect on reducing pain and stiffness in patients with symptomatic hand…

The Prospect of Rheumatoid Arthritis Prevention
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is treatable, and for that, we should be grateful. But wouldn’t it be better if we could prevent it from even happening? Recent data from a study in China demonstrated some interesting results. Could an older type of diabetes medication be the answer we’ve been looking for? Background Preclinical studies have suggested…

3 AC&R Study Summaries: Frailty & Prefrailty in RA, Premature Mortality in Gout & Using Recruitment & Multidisciplinary Care Incentives to Improve Access
Frailty & Prefrailty in Patients with RA TNF-α inhibitors associated with higher infection risk By Namrata Singh, MD, MSCI, Katherine D. Wysham, MD, James S. Andrews, MD, & Una E. Makris, MD Why was this study done? Frailty and prefrailty are more common and occur at a younger age in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)…