Web-based system will ease compliance with PQRI, benchmarking, research
How to Win Over Information with Technology
Information overload—it’s the bane of my life. Some days I’m tempted to unplug all the fancy electronic gadgets that were designed to “keep us connected” and make our lives easier but instead often threaten to overwhelm us with the pressing need to respond immediately whenever our inbox flashes the arrival of yet another urgent message. For me, the challenge has become how to manage the inflow of data, messages, and information; stay current with the advances in my professional field; and carve out some quiet time free from beeping and flashing electronic reminders that relentlessly demand a response.
Do You E-Prescribe—or Just Think You Do?
You’ve bought an electronic medical record (EMR) with e-prescribing capabilities or stand-alone e-prescribing software and are enjoying the benefits of seamlessly writing a computer-generated prescription. Prescriptions are forwarded to the pharmacy where they enter the computer system exactly as they were sent. After all, that’s the benefit of e-prescribing, right?
Tips to Access Journals Online
Online access to Arthritis & Rheumatism and Arthritis Care & Research is a member benefit of the ACR and the ARHP. In order to use this benefit, you must activate your online access by creating a login specifically for the journals through a one-time registration process. Here is a Q&A to help you access journals online.
Embracing Techmanity
Will increasing technology in the exam room have a dehumanizing effect on the patient physician relationship? Maybe not.
Dr. Wolfe & the National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases (NBD)
A private database becomes a national resource
Innovative Educational Programs for Rheumatology APNs and PAs
Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases affect more than 46 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States. With the aging of the U.S. population, the number of adults with rheumatic disease is expected to increase to 67 million by 2030.1 While the demand for rheumatology services is increasing, the supply of practicing rheumatologists is diminishing. The ACR Rheumatology Workforce Study (published earlier this year) predicts that there will be little or no increase in the number of practicing rheumatologists, resulting in a critical shortage of rheumatologists by 2020.
Let’s Talk Tech
As microchips permeate medicine, our new council will spearhead electronic initiatives
Health Information Explosion
Don’t be blown away by online medical information – use it to your advantage
From Punch Cards to Patient Reporting
James F. Fries, MD, harnessed computers to address big questions