Leptin inhibits serotonin synthesis in the neurons of the brainstem
Couples Coping with Chronic Pain
Spouses provide help to their partners, but also need help themselves
RA Therapy Can Increase Risk for Lung Disease
Vigilant screening for NTM lung disease and latent tuberculosis needed
Recruit ARHP Members and Fly Away
The 2010 ARHP Member-Get-a-Member Campaign is in full swing and will end on Wednesday, August 25. Now is the time for ARHP and ACR members to recruit rheumatology health professionals, enjoy some friendly competition, and aim to win a $500 airline gift certificate.
Donating Earned Honoraria, an Easy Way to Support the REF
Did you know that assigning earned honoraria to the REF counts as making your annual gift for the fiscal year?
HHS Enforces Stricter Rules on HIPAA
As of February 17, 2010, entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), such as group health plans and their business associates, will have to take certain actions to ensure continued compliance with the privacy and security provisions of the act.
The REF Preceptorship Experience
The ACR Workforce Study estimated that nearly half of practicing rheumatologists will retire within eight years, which means that by 2025, there will be a severe shortage of rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals in the United States.
Tips on Outsourcing Your Billing
Many physician practices are delegating their financial operations to third parties known as revenue cycle outsourcers. Should you?
A Glance at the Evolving Rheumatology Practice
The healthcare delivery environment is ever evolving and has experienced rapid growth in the past few decades. These changes are reflected within rheumatology practices in how the rheumatology care team interacts with patients and how patients manage their care.
Coding Corner Answer
April’s Coding Answer
In Advocacy, Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Earlier in the year, it seemed that healthcare reform was stopped in its tracks because of the Massachusetts Senate special election—which placed Republican Scott Brown in the seat held by the “Liberal Lion,” Edward M. Kennedy. The Senate Democrats lost their supermajority and the momentum to pass President Obama’s healthcare reform legislation subsided. But through strong lobbying by the president, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Congress passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590)—comprehensive healthcare reform—on March 21, and the president signed the bill into law on March 23.
Coding Corner Question
April’s Coding Challenge
Coding Note
As of January 1, 2010, Medicare eliminated both inpatient and outpatient consultation codes.
I Have the Data—Now What?
Rheumatologists practicing in the current healthcare environment are experiencing unprecedented information flow, data management issues, and a rise in quality designations and pay-for-performance incentive programs. There is increasing pressure on rheumatologists to document or capture treatment concordance with guideline recommendations and best practices and to monitor gaps in care and patient outcomes. Unfortunately, some quality programs are not considered clinically meaningful, and even those that are often bring administrative burdens related to reporting, data aggregation, and analysis.
Revisiting Rounds: Lessons from the General Medicine Ward
Lessons from the general medicine ward
Fatal Choices: Mixing Risk with Medicine
Mixing risk with medicine
The Law of Unintended Consequences Rears Its Head
A program to improve drug safety has increased drug prices for patients with gout and FMF
Omeract How to Get into the “Act”
Meet this international organization that focuses on rheumatology outcome measures
Home Page Makeover: Take a Tour of the ACR’s New Web Site
Take a tour of the ACR’s new Web site
The Classification Challenge of Pediatric Spondylarthritis
Condition often confused with other disorders

Vasculitis Guidelines in Focus, Part 1: The Guideline Project
Sharon A. Chung, MD, MAS, director of the vasculitis clinic at the University of California, San Francisco, served as the principal investigator of the overall vasculitis guideline effort and talks about the process here.