In this episode of his monthly video series for The Rheumatologist, physician editor Dr. Bharat Kumar talks about isolation and its impact on our patients with rheumatic disease, and the rheumatologist’s role in combating it.

In this episode of his monthly video series for The Rheumatologist, physician editor Dr. Bharat Kumar talks about isolation and its impact on our patients with rheumatic disease, and the rheumatologist’s role in combating it.
Patients with RA not only suffer from functional limitations, but also face increased healthcare costs, primarily due to prescription drug use, says Dr. Yinan Huang.
At first, there was an incomprehensibly loud explosion. And out of that explosion, about 4.5 billion years afterward, emerged the world’s first rheumatologist. Only a few notable things have happened between these two events, but the most important dynamic has been the continuous expansion of our universe. If the speculations of many cosmologists are correct,…
Carol A. Langford, MD, MHS |
Who is the newest ACR, ARP or Rheumatology Research Foundation volunteer? Hopefully you. Volunteers, working side by side with staff, move the ACR forward. They are the voice through which our mission is put into action, ensuring we meet our members’ goals. Developing an effective pipeline of future volunteer leaders is essential to the future…
Daniel H. Solomon, MD, MPH, & Andrew Concoff, MD, FACR |
Guest columnists Dr. Daniel Solomon & Dr. Andrew Concoff discuss the potential of technology, such as mobile health apps, to enhance remote care & improve access for underserved patients.
Maternal Health Insights in Patients with SLE The impact of pregnancy readiness on lupus activity, maternal mental health & pregnancy outcomes By Ceshae Harding, MD, & Megan Clowse, MD, MPH Why was this study done? Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who are pregnant have increased risks of risks maternal and fetal mortality, preeclampsia and…
Deborah Levenson |
‘Prior authorizations are the bane of our existence as rheumatologists,’ says Physician Editor Bharat Kumar, MD, MME, FACP, FAAAAI, RhMSUS. ‘How bad is it, how can we manage them, and how is the ACR helping? Read on in this month’s Editor’s Pick.’ Healthcare providers consider prior authorization (PA) a significant burden, but to different degrees…
Leslie Mertz, PhD |
Arthritis Care & Research (AC&R), a peer-reviewed journal published monthly, comprises original research, review articles and editorials that “move clinical research and practice forward in a meaningful way,” according to AC&R Editor-in-Chief Kelli D. Allen, PhD. That includes research on evidence-based practice; clinical problems; practice guidelines; educational, social, and public health issues; health economics and…
Allison Plitman, MPA, Tom Tack & Jason Liebowitz, MD |
This ACR initiative aims to create a common language to define key data elements for rheumatology and make it easier to compare patient data across EHR systems.
Sabrina Machado, MD |
For the 2024 Image Competition, the ACR sought images with educational or remarkable manifestations representing a diverse range of pediatric patients with autoimmune, inflammatory, infectious and malignant drivers of rheumatic disease. Here, we showcase the winning images from Latin America and the Caribbean. Diagnosing Juvenile PsA A 13-year-old boy presented with a seven-year history of…
Patrice Fusillo |
The ACR honored 19 members for outstanding contributions to the ACR and the field of rheumatology.
The FDA has approved bimekizumab-bkzx for the treatment of adults with psoriatic arthritis, non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
“What we’re after here is something called active allyship,” said Dr. Dwinita Mosby Tyler, CEO and founder of The Equity Project in her keynote address at ACR Convergence 2024. “It’s where you witness something that might be an injustice or you might see a disparity, and you don’t just talk about it, you research it; you do something about it.”
Graciela S. Alarcón, MD, MPH, MACR |
Reviewing the research presented at ACR Convergence 2024.