Finding cost-effective solutions in the quest for personalized medicine
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Lupus in the Child’s Mind
Unique neuropsychiatric problems require a unique approach
Take Our Regulators—Please!
May 2009 bring us a return to constructive, thoughtful oversight in all fields
Waiting for The Big One
Anticipation—both bad and good—was the mood at this year’s ACR meeting
Enact Change in RA
Future advances could be challenged by structural barriers within the specialty
Incorrect Reimbursements—Is This Your Practice?
Imagine you have received a remittance for patient John Doe for charge 99214 in the amount of $69.89. Your billing staff reconciles the money and updates the account. Would you consider this a successful reimbursement? If so, it may surprise you to know you have just been underpaid by $20 because the correct fee schedule was $89.89.
Drug Safety Alerts: Moving Past the Pony Express to the 21st Century safety alerts.
Have you ever wondered why you are able to get up-to-the-minute sports scores, but it could take weeks to receive potentially lifesaving drug safety alerts? (And that is only if your front-office staff is able to separate the “Dear Doctor” letter from junk mail.)
Boost Revenue with Denials Management, Appeals
Denials management and appeals are the two most underestimated processes in rheumatology offices. Most practices lose thousands of dollars every year because they are not following up or writing off denied claims correctly.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Time Is of the Essence
Early treatment lessens arthritis pain and disability, but challenges to early detection remain
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature