A recent gene expression analysis found an enriched downstream interferon signature, with predominantly IFNB1 signatures in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. The study also found lower expression of all downstream interferon signatures in the kidneys of lupus nephritis patients…
(Reuters Health)—Researchers who examined implicit and explicit gender biases in the U.S. medical community found professionals of both genders are more likely to associate the word career with men and the word family with women. And U.S. surgeons broadly see surgery as a man’s career and family medicine as a woman’s field, the researchers also…
With her combined expertise in rheumatology and informatics, Dr. Yazdany is leading the ACR’s Registries and Health Information Technology Committee to create a national health IT infrastructure that advances rheumatology practice.
The ACR’s nonpartisan political action committee is continuing to advocate for increased defense department funding for rheumatology research. Learn about RheumPAC’s efforts and how you can help.
From insights into mentoring and statistics to integrating virtual reality into a patient’s rehab—the educational sessions offered during the ACR/ARP Annual Meeting will be practical, yet innovative and inspiring…