Throughout her medical training, Noelle A. Rolle, MBBS, encountered many patients struggling with both rheumatic disease and issues of health equity and access to care. This drew her to rheumatology and, now, to lead the ACR’s Collaborative Initiatives Committee.
In October 2023, Megan E.B. Clowse, MD, MPH, a renowned expert in the field of rheumatology and immunology, was named the new chief of the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology at Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C. Dr. Clowse, who serves as an associate professor of medicine in Duke’s Division of Rheumatology and Immunology…
Hammad Ali, MD, William Neal Roberts, MD, & Kristine M. Lohr, MD, MS |
On Nov. 4, 2022, the world lost a learned professor, a dedicated doctor, an inquisitive scientist, an adept clinician and, above all, an epitome of Athena’s representation of Mentor in Homer’s Odyssey. Robert W. Lightfoot Jr., MD, had come a long way. Born in 1937, toward the end of the Great Depression, in Nashville, Tenn.,…
On April 30, 2023, the world lost Richard Brasington Jr., MD, FACP, MACR, an illustrious clinical puzzle master who stopped at nothing to do right by his patients—and to ensure the next generation of rheumatologists would be properly trained. Dr. Brasington, a former associate editor of The Rheumatologist and emeritus professor of medicine at Washington…
SAN DIEGO—During ACR Convergence 2023 in November, the ACR and the ARP honored a group of distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to rheumatology research, education and patient care. This month, The Rheumatologist profiles the recipients of the ARP President’s Awards. The ARP president can choose to honor ACR/ARP members or teams performing outstanding…
Mohammad A. Ursani, MD, FACP, RhMSUS, Iman Qaiser, MD, & Mamdouh Mahmoud, PhD |
Intermittent fasting—defined as alternating between cycles of eating and going without food over a given period of time—has become popular with individuals seeking to lose weight or balance their lifestyle in recent years. During Ramadan (a period based on the Gregorian calendar that changes from year to year), able-bodied Muslims are obligated to observe a…
With a special interest in implementation science and health information technology, Christie Bartels, MD, MS, is taking lead of the Committee on Registries & Health Information Technology.
The ACR is reaching out to Medicare Advantage and commercial payers to ensure appropriate reimbursement for the new complex care add-on code, G2211, implemented for outpatient office visits starting Jan. 1, 2024.
During ACR Convergence 2023, experts discussed developments in the treatment and diagnosis of osteoporosis, addressing risks of treatment discontinuation, the use of bone turnover markers in patient assessment and vitamin D.