A formal peer-support program for medical providers affected by stress and trauma is gradually becoming a cultural norm for rheumatologists and other physicians at Johns Hopkins University…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—About 15% of women who develop carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) while pregnant will suffer persistent and worsening symptoms long after delivery, a new study suggests. “Conventional medical wisdom has been that gestational carpal tunnel syndrome simply goes away after pregnancy, and for many women this is true. However, in our practice this…
(Reuters Health)—For a wide range of diseases, diagnosis comes later in life for women than for men, according to a large Danish study. Researchers don’t know whether the later diagnoses are due to genetics, the environment, possible biases in the healthcare system—or some combination of reasons. The study of health data from 6.9 million Danish…
Galectin-3 may have potential as a biomarker for the early onset of cardiovascular disease in RA patients, potentially enabling early intervention and deferring the cardiovascular risks associated with RA…
New research does not support the use of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided strategy for treating RA patients. The study found that among RA patients in remission, an MRI-guided treat-to-target strategy compared with a conventional treat-to-target strategy did not result in improved disease activity remission rates or reduced radiographic progression…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Total knee replacement (TKA) is increasingly being performed in younger patients, and new research suggests that these patients have a higher risk for complications than older patients. “The number of knee replacements we are doing in younger and younger patients keeps increasing every year and we need to let these patients know…
Pediatric rheumatologists are in high demand. In fact, a shortage of pediatric rheumatologists requires more than half of all U.S. children with rheumatic diseases seek care with adult rheumatologists, and this shortage is projected to increase. For the past decade, the ACR’s Special Committee on Pediatric Rheumatology has worked to change this by bringing together…
CHICAGO—At the 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, rheumatologist project volunteers for the ACR’s Collaborative Initiatives talked about their efforts to educate primary-care providers, patients and families in their communities about systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Their goal is to facilitate timely diagnosis and treatment of lupus, especially in underserved communities. Health Disparities Health disparities, or differences in health…