Patients experience fevers for many reasons, but can they help physicians diagnose disease? Using modern technology and social media, Jonathan S. Hausmann, MD, is working to further the understanding of body temperatures…
(Reuters Health)—More aggressive malpractice climates don’t necessarily protect patients from surgical complications, a new study suggests. Supporters of medical malpractice laws that make it easier for patients to sue doctors say these protections are necessary to improve care. But in the current study, the risk of litigation didn’t translate into better outcomes, said study leader…
On Jan. 6, Pfizer Inc. announced that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has included payment information for INFLECTRA (infliximab-dyyb), a biosimilar to REMICADE (infliximab), in its January Average Selling Price (ASP) pricing file. This pricing took effect as of January 1, 2017. Additional claims processing information is listed in the MLN Matters…
Concerned about reimbursement for specialty drugs? Wondering if your patient can continue on a prescribed medication despite formulary changes? Unsure how to request a tier exception? No need to face these issues alone. The ACR has a resource that can assist with questions regarding coverage and payment policies for private insurers and Medicare. That resource…
Microparticles in the blood of SLE patients may be a source of extracellular HMGB1, which is involved in immune response. Researchers found that analysis may be able to determine if the patient is producing dead, dying and activated cells that are important for SLE pathogenesis…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—A new test provides rapid infliximab drug concentrations that enable immediate dosing adjustments, researchers from Belgium report. “With this rapid test, our biggest wish is to persuade physicians to now perform and use infliximab measurements also in their own daily clinical practice, as many practical and organizational issues that went along with…
In a small-scale study, researchers found that no, or minimal amounts of, certolizumab pegol transfers from mothers taking the drug to nursing infants…