CMS reduces reimbursement for DXA and vertebral fracture assessment
Search results for: hospital
The Chimeric Self
Michrochimerism research offers insights into several autoimmune conditions
Office Visit
A Day in the Life of Niveditha Mohan, MD
ARHP Positioned for Continued Success in 2007
The ARHP is committed to advancing the knowledge and skills of health professionals in the area of rheumatology in order to improve health outcomes for people with or at risk for rheumatic disease and musculoskeletal conditions. In 2005, the ARHP Executive Committee developed a three-year, long-range plan, which identified the following priorities for our organization…
Student’s Journey to Medicine Starts with Rheumatology
An REF Success Story
Audioconference on Emergency Situations
Patient and staff education is the key to effectively handling emergencies and flares in rheumatic disease,” says Gail McIlvain-Simpson, MSN, RN, CS, an advanced practice nurse at Al DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Del.
Science from our Sisters
Recommended reading from A&R and AC&R
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
Medicare D-lemmas
Rheumatologists and patients report mixed experiences with the new prescription drug benefit
Labored Breathing
Strategies to diagnose and manage dyspnea in the scleroderma patient