Rheumatology programs make strides in work–life balance support
Search results for: hospital
Care and Compassion
London Lupus Centre provides multidisciplinary treatment and camaraderie to those seeking lupus and APS treatment
ARHP Needs You!
I would like to personally invite every ARHP member to consider volunteering for an ARHP committee, task force, or other volunteer opportunity. Volunteer opportunities are available to all ARHP members, including international and associate members. Volunteering in ARHP is stimulating, rewarding, and a lot of fun!
ARHP Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Robert Richardson Reflects on Career
We all bring to the table our skills to form a comprehensive treatment plan, and that’s essential for meeting the patient’s total needs. It’s an excellent model to deliver quality care. —Robert Richardson, PT, MEd Robert Richardson, PT, MEd, has a lively voice that conveys his deep enthusiasm for a profession he’s had a hand…
Honoring Our Winners
The ACR Research and Education Foundation (REF) maintains an extensive award and grant program with research, training, and education opportunities for medical students, fellows, clinicians, researchers, health professionals, and academic institutions. This month, the REF continues to recognize its latest group of award recipients, who will begin their award terms in July.
Rheum’s Role in the New National Health Service
What the United States can learn from the U.K. system
Sniff 101 and Other Lessons
Sometimes doctors don’t speak the same language
Put Hughes Syndrome on Your Radar
Diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome is increasing. Here’s how to recognize and treat it
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
2007–2008 REF Award Recipients
The REF ensures the future of rheumatology by ensuring that there are well-trained rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals to provide quality care. To achieve this, REF maintains an extensive award and grant program with research, training, and education opportunities for medical students, fellows, clinicians, researchers, health professionals, and academic institutions.