Meeting the needs of persons with complex, chronic diseases is increasingly challenging in a healthcare environment where the demand for high-quality comprehensive services is coupled with dwindling resources. According to the Institute of Medicine, “the ability to plan care and practice effectively using multidisciplinary teams takes on increasing importance as the proportion of the population with chronic conditions grows.”1 This kind of collaboration is increasingly important to ensure high-quality, cost-effective, comprehensive patient-centered care.
Search results for: hospital
Professional Partners
Rheumatologists and nurse practitioners team up to improve workflow and patient care
Target Remission
Strategies to identify and track remission in your RA patients
A Day in the Life of Gay Kuchta, OT
Treating children with rheumatologic diseases takes a unique approach. “You shouldn’t treat them as little adults,” says Gay Kuchta, OT, who works in pediatrics at the Mary Pack Arthritis Program at Vancouver Hospital in British Columbia. “They take special consideration.”
The Value of Mentoring in ARHP
In today’s unpredictable healthcare environment, mentoring new healthcare professionals is more important than ever. Most of us have benefited from mentors: Individuals who provided us with the guidance, encouragement, and challenges to help us grow personally and professionally.
What Has the ACR Done for You Lately?
The world in which we currently practice is not the same one we knew five to 10 years ago. Insurers second-guess our decisions and create numerous hurdles for us to overcome before our patients can be treated. Government agencies are seeking ways to reduce healthcare expenditures and improve what they perceive as a lack of quality and consistency in healthcare delivery. These groups, as well as Congress and employers (who purchase benefits for their employees), have begun a concerted effort to grade rheumatologists on the basis of what they perceive to be quality and efficiency and then pay us according to those criteria.
Payments Cut to the Bone
CMS reduces reimbursement for DXA and vertebral fracture assessment
The Chimeric Self
Michrochimerism research offers insights into several autoimmune conditions
Office Visit
A Day in the Life of Niveditha Mohan, MD
ARHP Positioned for Continued Success in 2007
The ARHP is committed to advancing the knowledge and skills of health professionals in the area of rheumatology in order to improve health outcomes for people with or at risk for rheumatic disease and musculoskeletal conditions. In 2005, the ARHP Executive Committee developed a three-year, long-range plan, which identified the following priorities for our organization…