The FDA has approved the use of secukinumab for pediatric patients with enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, after research showed a longer time to disease flare than placebo.
Melissa Griffith, MD, discussed the diagnosis and treatment of interstitial lung disease (ILD) in patients with rheumatic diseases, including connective tissue disease and more.
At an ACR COVID-19 town hall on COVID-19, infectious disease experts discussed the most up-to-datecurrent information on pre- and post-exposure monoclonal antibody therapy, oral antivirals and vaccines for rheumatology patients.
In 2022, rheumatology practices should prepare for documentation, coding, billing and reimbursement revisions related to evaluation and management (E/M), split/shared billing policies and telehealth services.
According to a German study presented during ACR Convergence 2021, treatment persistence with JAK inhibitors is comparable to TNF inhibitors and other bDMARDs among patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Enabling rheumatology practices to use complex administration codes for biologic drugs is critical for maintaining patient access to essential therapies.
Last year, in Texas, they had no room to breathe. Texas has 301 designated trauma centers equipped to provide intensive care, 200 of which can care for at least four critically ill patients. In August 2021, 75 of these hospitals reported having no available beds in their intensive care units. Zero. This was due, in…
States increasingly take the lead on issues critical to our members and the field of rheumatology, including copay accumulator bans, white bagging restrictions, prior authorization and drug pricing.