What you need to know about Uveitis in Rheumatic Diseases
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Rheumatology’s Mentor
Halsted R. Holman, MD, couples a stellar career with a knack for helping others achieve their potential
National HMO Class-Action Case Settled
The latest development in the healthcare class-action settlement will affect approximately 900,000 physicians (and some major state medical societies) who may be eligible to receive compensation from the settlement – as long as they file a claim. The case has been called “historic” by those representing both physicians and insurance companies.
What Gets a Good Rheumatologist Sued?
Pitfalls to avoid and habits that protect you from malpractice suits
Enhanced Opportunities at the 2007 Meeting
The AMPC is using more translational components as a way of increasing the basic scientist’s interaction with clinicians, he explains. In keeping with this, the meeting will offer sessions on osteoclasts, implications for the development and treatment of osteoarthritis, T-cell subsets, and a year in review – all of which will be of interest to both the clinician and the basic researcher.
A Better Family Plan
How to minimize the risks of pregnancy for women with SLE
To Measure is to Know
Piet van Riel, MD, PhD, shepherd of RA improvement criteria
Science from our Sisters
Recommended reading from A&R and AC&R
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
Mayo and Grady CONNect
A journey from physician’s mecca to public hospital