Rheumatologists should take an active role in patients’ reproductive health, including before, during and after pregnancy. Two experts offer insights into how rheumatologists can better care for their patients during these critical times.
The increased use of telemedicine that began in 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to provide new ways to expand patient care in rheumatology.
From the first substantial argument in the 19th century that uric acid played a role in gout, it took about 100 years for the medical community to accept its role in triggering acute inflammatory gout attacks. Two papers, both published in 1962, helped demonstrate the link between uric acid and acute gout attacks, quickly opening…
Laura E. Ray, MA, MLS, on behalf of the ARP E-Learning Subcommittee of the ACR Committee on Education |
Developing instructional sessions or courses for delivery in online (i.e., asynchronous, not live) or remote (i.e., synchronous, live) learning environments rests on a foundation of traditional instructional design and active learning concepts. Successful online/remote instruction interprets those foundational concepts through technological and multimedia components. For example, the ADDIE instructional design model may be interpreted: Analyze—determine…
RheumPAC has been working to ensure that individual legislators understand what rheumatology practices and patients face when it comes to delivering high quality care to those with rheumatic diseases and advocating for policies to support affordability of care, workforce expansion, prior authorization reform and fair reimbursement levels.
In recent months, the ISC has engaged with payers to reduce administrative burden on practices and continues to advocate to the CMS for the use of complex administration codes for biologics.
The Surgeon General has identified medical misinformation as a major public health threat, and many professional societies, including the American Medical Association, have called for action to combat it,” writes Richard J. Baron, MD, American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) chief executive officer, and Yul D. Ejnes, MD, ABIM’s board chair, in The New England…
It is better to be feared than loved. The associate dean of student affairs at my medical school embraced this motto. Although the dean of the medical school was titularly in charge, it was the associate dean who kept the school running. And we all feared her, just a little bit. Without ever raising her…
Thomas Bush, MD, Paul F. Dellaripa, MD, & Tamiko R. Katsumoto, MD |
We read the article, “Rheumatologists Share Lessons Learned in the Wake of Hurricane Ida” (July 2022, The Rheumatologist), with great interest. This poignant account of the impacted patients and rheumatologists provides invaluable planning tips regarding medication loss, access to pharmacies and medical records, and strategies to avoid practice losses. The critical lessons presented in this…
At this EULAR 2022 session, one expert explains why he believes refractory gout is caused by mismanagement and discussed ways around treatment obstacles.