Gout is a painful and potentially disabling form of arthritis that has been recognized since ancient times. Treatments are available to control most cases of gout, but diagnosing this disorder can be difficult, and treatment plans often have to be tailored for each person.
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A Passion for Multidisciplinary Collaboration
Through teamwork, David T. Felson, MD, MPH, has advanced understanding and treatment of rheumatic diseases
Prevalence of Gout and Hyperuricemia Increase in U.S.
Causes include sedentary lifestyle, an increased frequency of obesity and hypertension, diuretic use, and alcohol intake
What Fat Does to Arthritis
The role of adipokines in the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases
How Energy Shifts Lead to Systemic Illness
The impact of adaptive energy programs on the manifestations of chronic inflammatory disease
Office Visit
Epidemiology makes a career of studying arthritis health disparities for Leigh Callahan, PhD
Lupus Patients Have More Lethal Form of Kidney Disease
SLE patients with ESRD at increased risk of death
Genome-Wide Association Studies of SLE
What do these studies tell us about disease mechanisms in lupus?
Family, Fatigue & Heart Health
Researchers explore several factors in the health and well-being of patients with lupus
Rheum with a View
Panush’s perspectives on selections from the literature