The historical & continuing roles of glucocorticoids in the treatment of RA are discussed.

David S. Pisetsky, MD, PhD |
The historical & continuing roles of glucocorticoids in the treatment of RA are discussed.
When Taylor Warmoth, MD, a rheumatologist with Arthritis and Osteoporosis Associates (AOA), Lubbock, Texas, posted her first educational video on TikTok in 2022, she anticipated a moderate response. She was surprised when her medical assistant informed her the next day that her video had received over 5,000 views, 800 comments, and her account had gained…
Ibtissam Gad, MD, Firas Askar, MD, Sudhaker Rao, MD, & Ayad Alhatib, MD |
Hajdu-Cheney syndrome (HCS) is a rare connective tissue disease, with fewer than 100 cases reported worldwide.1 Hallmark features include acro-osteolysis (i.e., resorption of the distal phalanges of the hands and feet), osteoporosis, facial dysmorphisms, and craniofacial and dental abnormalities. Patients often have short stature and can have neuroanatomical deformities causing intellectual disabilities. These patients can…
The accepted wisdom is that the negative effects of glucocorticoids on bone depend on the dose and treatment duration. Adami et al. conducted this study to determine, in a real-life setting, the risk of fragility fracture associated with the dose of glucocorticoids in patients with inflammatory rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases.
Rebecca Shepherd, MD, MBA, FACR, FACP |
The Insurance Subcommittee is working to address coverage and reimbursement challenges facing rheumatology practices. Recent activities include efforts to avoid increased administrative burden associated with specialty medications, support payer coverage of musculoskeletal ultrasounds and protect patient access to biologics.
Leslie Mertz, PhD |
A team approach is necessary to provide comprehensive care in today’s complex healthcare settings. And nowhere is the need for a cadre of medical professionals more evident than within the practice of rheumatology, where complicated diagnoses and tailored treatments are the rule rather than the exception. Among the highly trained members of these healthcare teams…
Fractures in Patients with SSc By Zsuzsanna McMahan, MD, MHS Why was this study done? To minimize disability due to systemic sclerosis (SSc), it’s important to prevent and manage complications. Many SSc complications and related medications may increase the risk for osteoporosis and fracture. We sought to identify modifiable risk factors for fracture in patients…
Carlos Antonio Moura, MD, with Carlos Geraldo Moura, PhD |
I am often asked by medical students, resident physicians and—especially—patients, what is rheumatology? When students ask me why I chose to be a rheumatologist, I answer that I have never been in love with pathologies, such as rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, gout, osteoporosis, systemic lupus erythematosus or vasculitis. In fact, I chose rheumatology because I love…
Value-based care in rheumatology continues to evolve, and rheumatologists can stay active with advocacy efforts behind value-based care and other government relations initiatives.
Rebecca Shepherd, MD, MBA, FACR, FACP |
During a busy start to 2023, the ISC has been advocating with payers to address multiple coverage and reimbursement challenges facing rheumatology practices, including Cigna’s modifier 25 requirements, hydroxychloroquine access and coverage for apremilast combination therapy.