The ACR Review Course featured eight talks providing a practical review of issues encountered by rheumatologists.

The ACR Review Course featured eight talks providing a practical review of issues encountered by rheumatologists.
New diagnostic approaches combined with new evidence about pathogenesis are providing opportunities to help rheumatologists manage calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease.
During ACR Convergence 2020 in early November, the ACR and ARP honored a group of distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to rheumatology research, education and patient care. This month, The Rheumatologist speaks with the winners of the ARP Merit Awards and the ACR’s Distinguished Fellows. In addition, we bring you the first ever…
ACR Convergence 2020—At two plenary sessions, speakers highlighted key findings, including results on the QTc interval in patients on hydroxychloroquine, and data from a study on denosumab vs. alendronate for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. The QTc Interval & Hydroxychloroquine The safety profile and optimal dosing of hydroxychloroquine has been a topic for decades because it is known…
S. Louis Bridges Jr., MD, PhD, Moves to New York S. Louis Bridges Jr., MD, PhD, became the new physician in chief and chair of the Department of Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), New York, on Sept. 1. He will also serve as the chief of rheumatology at Weill Cornell College of Medicine. Prior…
As a health educator at Integrative Rheumatology, a private practice in Charlotte, N.C., Latisha Williams, MPH, CHES, CHC, works with patients to teach them how to better manage their disease. In the two-and-a-half years that Ms. Williams has worked at Integrative Rheumatology, she’s answered countless questions about exercise, nutrition and complementary therapies, among other topics. “Patients…
Mary Beth Nierengarten |
Late-night gatherings; long hours of avid discussion weighing the merits of resolution quality, light, hues and tones; and camaraderie among members forged through a shared interest in maintaining the highest fidelity to their craft and profession—these are among the vivid memories of those who participated in the early years of building what is today known…
A study highlights the potential of fasinumab, an anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, as a pain treatment for osteoarthritis (OA) patients. Research into the risks and benefits of this therapeutic class for OA are ongoing…
Linda Carroll (with a commentary from rheumatologist Eric Matteson, MD) |
(Reuters Health)—In a case series report, researchers describe rapid symptom improvement in three patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) when high glucose levels were brought down. After glucose was controlled, patients experienced improvement in both symptoms and laboratory measures of PMR without glucocorticoid administration or an increase in glucocorticoid dosage, according to the report in the…
Catherine Kolonko |
The Year in Review session during ACR Convergence 2020 will address advances in clinical and basic science related to rheumatology, including drug safety, precision medicine, the COVID-19 pandemic and more.