Some people may think Pakistan and Oklahoma share little in common, but one recent graduate of the rheumatology fellowship program at Louisiana State University, Shreveport (LSUS), School of Medicine disagrees. Iman Qaiser, MD, MBBS, a native of Pakistan who is starting a role as the only rheumatologist serving the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, sees natural…
Search results for: patient-centered care
Large Language Models in Medicine: The potential to reduce workloads, leverage the EMR for better communication & more
Large language models are a type of AI that allows users to generate new content, drawing from a huge dataset to learn how to mimic “natural language” with many possible beneficial applications for this technology in medicine.
New Study Probes Hydroxychloroquine Adherence During Pregnancy
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is nearly universally recommended for pregnant patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) to reduce lupus disease activity and adverse outcomes in pregnancy.1-3 Yet despite strong evidence supporting its benefits, HCQ appears underutilized, with several studies suggesting fewer than half of all women with lupus take this medication during pregnancy.4 How accurately these results…
A Conversation with Rheumatology Research Foundation VP Liana Fraenkel, MD, MPH
Liana Fraenkel, MD, MPH, likes to fix things, and the dynamic and challenging field of rheumatology always has room for improvement. That mindset has led her down some interesting paths as a researcher and healthcare provider, and as vice president of the Rheumatology Research Foundation. Dr. Fraenkel was a rheumatologist and researcher at the Yale…
Introducing Daniel F. Battafarano, DO, MACP, MACR, Chair of the ACR’s New Workforce Solutions Steering Committee
The new standing committee, devoted to addressing long-term workforce solutions in rheumatology, will be chaired by Daniel F. Battafarano, DO, MACP, MACR. Dr. Battafarano brings more than 35 years of leadership and experience in graduate medical education in rheumatology and internal medicine to the position.
ACR Workforce Solutions Committee Crafting Answers to Looming Workforce Shortage
With a shortage of rheumatologists looming, the committee is working to avert a void in patient care.
The 2022 ARP President’s & Merit Awards
During ACR Convergence 2022 in early November, the ACR and the ARP honored a group of distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to rheumatology research, education and patient care. This month, The Rheumatologist profiles the recipients of the ARP President’s and Merit Awards. ARP PRESIDENT’S AWARDS The ARP president can choose to honor ACR/ARP…
Speak Out Rheum: How Did We Go So Wrong with Opioid Prescribing?
I have been listening to The Fighter Pilot Podcast because my fantasy career would have been to fly a jet fighter plane (not even remotely possible, given my constitution). I learned that when an aircraft accident occurs, a mishap board is convened, not to assign blame but to try to learn what went wrong and…
Where Mental Health & Rheumatology Overlap
Because rheumatologists and mental health experts both treat patients with depression, anxiety, pain, disability and sleep disorders, provider cross-training may benefit patients and providers themselves. “When a patient has active psychosocial distress, this has a negative effect on their physical function. Similarly, if a patient has active physical symptoms, like a rheumatoid arthritis flare, this…
Overcome Fear & Misinformation: Solutions for Women with Inflammatory Arthritis Considering Pregnancy
Many women with inflammatory arthritis stop filling prescriptions for medications to treat their disease during pregnancy, putting themselves at risk of disability and joint damage. Birru Talabi et al. examined why, finding that some women discontinue their medications out of fear, while others receive conflicting advice from providers or misinformation about medication safety.
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