Gwenesta B. Melton, MD, wears many hats as a rheumatologist, teacher and champion for advocacy and collaboration. She has been involved with the ASC for more than a decade.
In late August, leaders of state and local rheumatology societies from across the nation connected with each other and with ACR president Ken Saag, MD, in a roundtable-style meeting. State and local rheumatology leaders shared local updates, successes and challenges and discussed ACR initiatives.
While an active member of her state rheumatology society, L. Manuela Marinescu, MD, saw the value of connecting with other regional groups to share information and advocacy strategies. On Nov. 16, she assumed the role of chair of the ACR’s Affiliate Society Council (ASC), where she will help facilitate those connections. Dr. Marinescu graduated with…
As his term as chair of the Affiliate Society Council draws to a close, Chris Adams, MD, FACP, FACR, reflects on the personal and professional rewards of volunteer leadership and the importance and impact of coordinated state-level advocacy efforts for the future of rheumatology.
Christopher D. Adams, MD, FACP, FACR, and Joseph Cantrell, JD |
So far it has been a busy year for the Affiliate Society Council (ASC). Forty-three states are now affiliated with the ACR through the ASC, and we may add another next year. Also, many state legislative sessions have wrapped up, so it’s a great time to provide an overview of the successes—and some of the…
It’s May, and soon, most state legislatures will be adjourning for the remainder of the year. Joseph Cantrell, JD, senior manager of state affairs for the ACR, who tracks the progress of state and federal patient care legislation, reports that several states saw solid gains during 2018 state sessions, which typically run from January to…
On Wednesday, May 16, 2018, the ACR’s Affiliate Society Council (ASC) convened a meeting in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the ACR’s Advocacy Leadership Conference. Despite inclement weather that delayed or cancelled numerous flights, several rheumatology representatives from states across the U.S. attended the meeting in person, while others participated by conference call. “It was…
The ACR’s Affiliate Society Council (ASC) membership has grown from 34 states to 40 since 2015. The growth of the Council is mainly attributed to newly formed state societies, as well as existing state societies focusing on orienting themselves for advocacy on behalf of rheumatologists and their patients. Increased participation by state societies helps support…