With every decade of life, I am increasingly grateful for the advances that research has produced. These advances go much further than microwave ovens and cell phones. We have seen major strides in treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases.
Preceptorship Applications Due February 1
The ACR REF/Abbott Health Professional Graduate Student Research Preceptorship introduces students to rheumatology-related healthcare by supporting a graduate student’s full-time research in the broad area of rheumatic disease.
New Merit Award Honors ARHP Advocate
Ann Kunkel, an advocate and healthcare profes- sional, knows the devastation arthritis can cause. All four of her children have some form of arthritis. “My kids have dealt with this disease for more than 20 years,” says Kunkel. The experience of raising four children with arthritis has been a driving force in Kunkel’s advocacy efforts for over 11 years.
ARHP in 2008
As I begin my presidency, let me thank you—the ARHP membership—for allowing me to steer this organization through the 2008 year. As a physical therapist in clinical practice for more than 25 years, I have experienced the challenges of treating people with arthritis and rheumatic diseases. For the past 13 years, I have served the ARHP in various capacities and, as my personal involvement in the ARHP has grown, my knowledge of this premier rheumatology organization has also expanded.
Glimpse the Future
Incoming ACR and ARHP presidents tell you what to expect in 2008
2007: A Remarkable Year for ARHP
As I write this column, we are preparing to meet in Boston for the 2007 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, and my year as the ARHP president is coming to end. It has been a remarkable year for the ARHP, as we have made significant progress toward achieving the goals identified in our Long-Range Plan…
Innovative Educational Programs for Rheumatology APNs and PAs
Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases affect more than 46 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States. With the aging of the U.S. population, the number of adults with rheumatic disease is expected to increase to 67 million by 2030.1 While the demand for rheumatology services is increasing, the supply of practicing rheumatologists is diminishing. The ACR Rheumatology Workforce Study (published earlier this year) predicts that there will be little or no increase in the number of practicing rheumatologists, resulting in a critical shortage of rheumatologists by 2020.
A Day in the Life of Marilee Philips, RN
Marilee K. Phillips, RN, is a little out of breath and losing her voice. She’ll excuse herself several times as we talk to clear her throat, but she won’t ask to reschedule. She doesn’t want to say it, but there’s probably no other time to do this interview. In fact, she managed to squeeze it in just before a nursing meeting she’ll have to race to. In the circus of rheumatology, she’s the juggler.
Engage Patients as Partners in Shared Decision-making
Engaging patients in shared decision-making about their health management is increasingly important to improving health outcomes and quality of life for persons with arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. In shared decision-making, the patient and the provider are partners who share information and determine together the best therapeutic interventions to achieve desired health outcomes and patient goals.
Rheumatology Audioconference Series Recordings
If you missed the 2007 ARHP audioconference series the first time around, here’s your opportunity to catch up. Recordings of the six 2007 audioconferences are available for purchase individually or as a set.