The ARHP has made significant progress toward the goals identified in its long range plan for this year, and I would like to share some of these achievements with you.
Fight Fatigue in Arthritis Patients—As a Team
AIM modules provide a tool for physicians seeking a quality-improvement program and a way to meet new ACGME competencies or the American Board of Internal Medicine’s Maintenance of Certification Program requirements.
Join an ACR/ARHP List Serve Community
Have you ever wanted peer input on a rheumatology-related problem? Thanks to the ACR and ARHP list serves, help is only an e-mail away. The list serves give you unlimited access to rheumatologists or health professional experts. The ACR offers list serves on coding and practice management, advocacy, and five for specific U.S. regions, while the ARHP offers clinical, pediatric, rehabilitation, and research lists. Members can join as many lists as they like.
Since their launch, these list serves have helped ACR members share information and advice on reimbursement challenges and successes, practice tools, research methods, physical therapists in a pediatric hospital setting, and many more topics.
You can choose to receive list updates as they are posted or as one digest message at the end of the day.
For questions on joining, changing your settings, or posting messages, contact Regina Adair at (404) 633-3777, ext. 817 or [email protected] (for ACR lists), or Julie Anderson at ext. 802 or [email protected] (for ARHP lists).
Apply for ARHP’s Graduate Student Award
The deadline to apply for 2007 ARHP Graduate Student Recognition Awards is July 5. Last year, the ARHP successfully launched this new award campaign to recognize health professional students pursuing creative research or clinical projects that merge theory and clinical practice to assess or improve the lives of patients with rheumatic diseases.
The Quest for Quality
The ARHP has an important role to play as the ACR addresses the emerging quality movement in healthcare. Most healthcare professionals are familiar with terms such as quality assurance, continuous quality improvement, and total quality management. In the late 1980s, healthcare organizations, following the lead of the manufacturing industry, began to implement quality-management programs as a way to improve the quality and cost efficiency of healthcare services and meet rising consumer expectations.
ARHP Needs You!
I would like to personally invite every ARHP member to consider volunteering for an ARHP committee, task force, or other volunteer opportunity. Volunteer opportunities are available to all ARHP members, including international and associate members. Volunteering in ARHP is stimulating, rewarding, and a lot of fun!
Interprofessional Collaboration Opportunities Abound for ARHP Members
Meeting the needs of persons with complex, chronic diseases is increasingly challenging in a healthcare environment where the demand for high-quality comprehensive services is coupled with dwindling resources. According to the Institute of Medicine, “the ability to plan care and practice effectively using multidisciplinary teams takes on increasing importance as the proportion of the population with chronic conditions grows.”1 This kind of collaboration is increasingly important to ensure high-quality, cost-effective, comprehensive patient-centered care.
AMA and ACR Physician Practice Information Survey
The American Medical Association (AMA), with the support of the ACR and more than 60 other medical specialty societies, will begin conducting a multispecialty survey of America’s physician practices this year.
The Value of Mentoring in ARHP
In today’s unpredictable healthcare environment, mentoring new healthcare professionals is more important than ever. Most of us have benefited from mentors: Individuals who provided us with the guidance, encouragement, and challenges to help us grow personally and professionally.
Time to Get Involved with ARHP
In June, the ARHP Nominations Committee will develop a slate of officers and identify volunteers to serve on committees and taskforces for the 2007-2008 leadership year. Volunteering is rewarding, offers a great education, and is an opportunity to meet colleagues across disciplines and geographical regions.