Reuters)—Severe COVID-19 may trick the immune system into producing autoantibodies that have the potential to eventually attack healthy tissue and cause inflammatory diseases, researchers warned in a paper published in Nature Communications.1 They found autoantibodies in blood samples from roughly 50% of the 147 COVID-19 patients they studied, but in fewer than 15% of 41…
Autoimmunity on the Rise in the U.S.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—The prevalence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in the blood of U.S. adolescents and adults has increased over the past 30 years, signaling a rise in autoimmunity, researchers say. “It is not known if these same increases are occurring in other parts of the world, but because ANA are associated with many autoimmune…

BAFF: A Fulcrum Between Resistance to Infection & Autoimmunity
New research has linked a TNFSF13B variant and B cell activating factor (BAFF), a common therapeutic target, with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. The variant is a disease-risk allele associated with increased levels of soluble BAFF…

Not All Infectious Microorganisms Malign Human Immune System
Which came first? The infectious microorganism or a host’s immune resistance against it? Through the millennia, a raging battle has pitted the hordes of infectious agents surrounding us against, arguably, the most complex biologic structure ever created, the finely tuned human immune system. The stakes are high for both sides. For the infectious agent, an…

Precision Medicine Latest Initiative in War on Autoimmunity, Rheumatic Illnesses
It’s been said that there is no greater bully pulpit than the American presidency. Linking the force of moral persuasion to this most powerful office—one that is capable of issuing executive orders and bypassing the wishes of Congress or rousing public opinion in favor of or against bills that are in the process of being…

2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting: Research Offers Clues to Environmental Triggers of RA
SAN FRANCISCO—Research is revealing more clues about the environmental factors that likely play a role in triggering rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients who are susceptible—or that may even protect them from autoimmunity. Large-scale, lengthy population studies conducted at institutions worldwide provide in-depth data from which to identify potential triggers and protective factors for RA, from…

Rheumatology Researchers Explore Role of Neutrophils in Autoimmunity
SAN FRANCISCO—To unravel the mysteries of how autoimmunity begins in the body and, one day, to interrupt that process, rheumatology researchers are exploring the role of neutrophils, especially when they form and release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). At a panel discussion on Nov. 6, 2015, held at the American College of Rheumatology’s Basic Research Conference,…
When Rheumatology and Cancer Collide
Chronic inflammation, cancer and autoimmunity are inextricably linked
How the Idea of Autoimmunity Emerged
A rheumatologist at the ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium in Chicago recalls history of immunology, urges scientists to further explore relationship between autoimmunity, microbiomes
2013 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting: Strides Made in Understanding Systemic Sclerosis
Greater knowledge of how vasculitis, fibrosis, and autoimmunity interact in these destructive diseases will result in better clinical management