New evidence from a clinical trial of rituximab has identified the pathogenetic role of B cells in the earliest, pre-arthritis stage of autoantibody-positive RA…
NETs or LL37-DNA complexes may serve as future targets for SLE therapy. In a recent study, researchers identified a link between neutrophils and NETs, and the activation of self-reactive B cells. Their study describes a neutrophil-B cell interaction unique to lupus…
A study in mice provides insight into the maturation of the self-reactive B cell response, contextualizing the epitope spreading observed in autoimmune disease. Researchers found that clonal expansion of wild type B cells in autoreactive germinal centers appeared to be at the heart of epitope spreading and the consequent autoimmune response…
New research has linked a TNFSF13B variant and B cell activating factor (BAFF), a common therapeutic target, with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. The variant is a disease-risk allele associated with increased levels of soluble BAFF…
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Speaking at the 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in a session titled ARHP: Immunology Boot Camp I: Basis of Targeted Therapy, a rheumatologist and immunology expert gave a guided tour of the immune system, described what can go wrong with it and outlined what physicians can do when it does. Troy Torgerson, MD, PhD, associate…
Research has identified a subset of T cells, peripheral helper (TPH) cells, which may promote pathological B cell responses and antibody production in patients with seropositive RA. TPH cells also express chemokine receptors, enabling them to infiltrate inflamed parts of the body and stimulate B cells to produce antibodies…
A recent study found that plasmacytoid dentricitic cells (pDCs) control the differentiation of immature B cells into regulatory B (Breg) cells or plasmablast, depending on the concentration of IFNα. For patients with SLE, researchers found that immune regulatory feedback between pDCs and Breg cells is dysfunctional, with the exception of patients who respond to rituximab…
Abaloparatide has completed clinical trials, which showed the treatment to be safe and effective in reducing fracture rates in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Also, XmAb5871 is being studied to treat systemic lupus erythematosus and doesn’t destroy B cells…