Maksymowych et al. assessed the frequency of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) according to extra-articular presentation and human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) status and sought to identify features that distinguish patients with axSpA from those with non-specific back pain. Their data support recommendations that patients with chronic back pain and extra-articular features related to axSpA be screened for axSpA with MRI and referred to a rheumatologist.

Ancient Arthritis: RheumMadness 2022 Dinosaur SpA Scouting Report
Spondyloarthropathy is an ancient form of arthritis shared by multiple orders and classes of the animal kingdom. Camarasaurus, a genus of quadrupedal, herbivorous dinosaur, holds the record for the earliest known case of spondyloarthropathy—147 million years ago.

Self-Administered Acupressure Promising for Chronic Back Pain Relief
Researchers examined the benefits of two acupressure approaches for treating low back pain, finding that patients who self-administered stimulating acupressure experienced a significant decrease in fatigue associated with their chronic pain…

Intensive Patient Education May Not Be Helpful for Acute Low Back Pain
Education with recommended first-line care may not improve pain outcomes in patients with acute low back pain. When comparing patients who received education with those who received professional consultation without information or advice, researchers found patient education was no more effective than placebo at reducing depression or incidence of chronic low back pain…

Are Bending & Lifting Associated with Lumbosacral Radiculopathy Syndrome?
Patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy syndrome (LRS) may wonder if physicality of their jobs contributed to the development of their symptoms. A recent systematic review sought to identify LRS work-related risk factors. Researchers found that bending and lifting of the trunk, both alone and in combination, may contribute to LRS…
Anxiety, Depression May Help Predict Outcome of Low Back Pain Treatment
NEW YORK (New York)—Patients with anxiety and depression may be less satisfied than other patients with their chronic low back pain (CLBP) treatments, new research suggests. “Patients with anxiety/depression symptoms experienced more pain severity and more pain-related functional, social, and emotional disability, and they were less satisfied with care, compared with the other groups,” the…
Spine Surgery May not Be Needed to Ease Back Pain from Osteoporosis
(Reuters Health)—Patients with acute pain from osteoporosis damage to the spine don’t experience any more relief from surgery to inject cement into cracked or broken vertebrae than they would with a sham procedure, a recent trial in The Netherlands suggests. All of the patients in the experiment had compression fractures, which can happen when osteoporosis…

Infiltrating the Disc: Mast Cells & Back Pain
Mast cells may become a therapeutic target for low back pain, according to new research. Researchers found mast cells can infiltrate intervertebral disc cells and play a role in their degeneration. Specifically, mast cells and the cytokine, IL-6, were both more likely to be found in painful intervertebral discs surgically removed from patients than in control discs…
Undetected Fractures Linked to Back Pain in Older Men
(Reuters Health)—About three in five older men with tiny spinal fractures related to osteoporosis reported new or worsening back pain in a new study. Only about one-quarter of new vertebral fractures are diagnosed by a doctor, the study team writes in their September 7 online report in Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, though the…
Guidelines on Advice for Low Back Pain at Odds with Clinical Trial Results
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Advice is considered an effective treatment for acute low back pain (LBP), but neither clinical trials nor guidelines include adequate detail on what this advice should be, or how doctors should deliver it, according to a new review. And half of the advice topics included in guidelines were discordant with evidence from…