A multidisciplinary approach that incorporates an exercise program, physical therapy, and ways to maintain good posture and a healthy weight can help patients find relief
Back Pain and the Role of the Physical Therapist
Back pain is a common occurrence, so much so that most adults will have at least one episode of back pain at some point in their lives. Fortunately, most of these episodes last only a few days and resolve if patients maintain normal activity levels, avoid the detrimental effects of too much bed rest, use over-the-counter pain relievers with caution, and seek the attention of a health professional if the pain or other symptoms persist or worsen over time.
Ethics Forum: Understanding the Challenges in Rheumatology Today
Understanding the challenges in rheumatology today
Reading Rheum
Handpicked Reviews of Contemporary Literature
Audioconference Offers Advice on Adolescent’s Low Back Pain
Hepatitis-C virus (HCV)-associated arthritis is highlighted this month in our ongoing series on patient education materials.