A 70–year-old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis affecting multiple joints who is rheumatoid-factor positive but without organ or system failure returns for her third infliximab infusion. She is scheduled to receive 500 mg of the drug. How should this encounter be coded? 96413, 96415, J1745 x 50; ICD 10: M05.79 96413, 96415, J1745 x 50;…
Coding Corner Answer: Rheumatology Coding & Practice Quiz
Take the challenge. B or D—If it was not documented, it was not done is the motto of many coders. For those who follow this motto, the answer would be B. But there is another option for the coder and that is to query the physician about whether the injection was done with ultrasound guidance…
Coding Corner Question: Rheumatology Coding & Practice Quiz
1. A 45-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis returns to the office for her second scheduled injection of sodium hyaluronate (Supartz). The nurse takes the patient’s vitals: weight is 185 lbs., height is 5’2”, and temperature is 98.2°F. The patient is prepped and given the injection. How should this encounter be coded?…
Coding Corner Answer: Coding Scenario for 1997 Musculoskeletal Exam
Take the challenge. CPT codes: 99203/99243 ICD-10: M25.521, M25.522, M25.561, M25.562 History—Comprehensive: The history of present illness is extended, the review of systems is complete, and the past medical, family and social history are documented. All three of the HPI, ROS and PFSH are needed to achieve the history level as comprehensive. Examination—Detailed: This level…
Coding Corner Question: Coding Scenario for 1997 Musculoskeletal Exam
A 55-year-old female patient with pain in multiple joints is referred to the office by her primary care physician. She complains of pain in both knees and both shoulders. She rates the pain at 7 on the pain scale. Her pain is worse at night after she gets off work. Soaking in her hot tub…
Coding Corner Answer: To Bill or Not to Bill an Eval & Management Visit?
Take the challenge. Scenario 1 is the correct answer. Although documentation of both scenarios supports a Level 4 visit, only one supports the medical necessity to code an evaluation and management (E/M) visit on the same day with a procedure. Scenario 1 supports the need for a separate E/M visit, because a new problem was…
Coding Corner Question: To Bill or Not to Bill an Eval & Management Visit?
Scenario 1 History: A 45-year-old male patient with sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis affecting multiple sites, but with no organ or systems involvement, comes for a follow-up visit. The patient reports swelling of the left knee with throbbing left knee pain. He rates the severity of his pain at an 8 on a 10-point scale. The pain…
How to Document the Physical Exam
The adage frequently cited in healthcare settings, “If it isn’t documented, it wasn’t done,” still rings true for the key components required in a patient’s medical record. The note in the medical record must sufficiently describe all of the services furnished to patients on a specific date. The essential requirements to appropriately bill a claim…
Coding Corner Answer: Evaluation & Management Documentation Quiz
Take the challenge. B—The presenting problem(s) is what is evaluated during the history and examination by the provider. The chief complaint is in the patient’s own words or is a follow-up for his or her current condition. The history of present illness, along with the review of systems, usually guides the provider through the examination….
Coding Corner Question: Evaluation & Management Documentation Quiz
Evaluation & Management Documentation Quiz What element drives an evaluation and management (E/M) visit? The chief complaint in the patient’s own words of why he or she is in the practice for that date of service. The presenting problem(s) being discussed with the physician for that patient during the visit. The examination performed on the…
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