This year, the Annual Meeting Planning Committee has designed an engaging program, bringing together the best experts to address important topics. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s new…
3 Tips to Optimize Practice Performance
Rheumatologists can build resilience through recovery and reframing, transforming stress so that it enhances performance…
Strategies for Striking Work–Life Balance
Making time to advance your career and enjoy family life is no easy task. One busy rheumatologist, educator and mom shares her strategies for success…
Tips & Tools for Dealing with Bad Patient Outcomes
Bad things happen to good rheumatologists—and to their patients—and can have profound personal and professional consequences for the doctor. Sometimes recommended treatments can have predictable, but devastating, side effects. Even if the rheumatologist does everything right according to evidence-based best practice, patients can still have bad outcomes, even die—with resulting feelings of sadness, anger, guilt…
Unwise Choices: EHRs, PBMs, Drug Costs Are Leading to Physician Burnout
My dear electronic health records How do I dislike thee? Let me count the ways Adaptation of Sonnet 43 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806–1861 As my tenure as physician editor winds down, it’s worth reviewing some of the more nettlesome issues confronting clinicians that have been previously discussed in these pages and gauge their current…
Tips to Help Physicians Understand, Cope, Manage Burnout
Years ago, the Mayo Clinic was exploring effective ways to minimize burnout among the more than 3,000 doctors employed at its three medical and research facilities in Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale, Ariz., and Jacksonville, Fla. One strategy involved inviting physicians to participate in small groups to discuss topics that were fairly ubiquitous among doctors, from medical…
6 Ways to Identify, Deal with Burnout in Rheumatology Fellowship
“Burnout? In rheumatology fellowship? You’re kidding me, right?” That was the response of one of my very good friends from residency who is now a cardiology fellow, when I told him that I was concerned that one of my co-fellows, at another institution, was on the verge of burning out. Stepping back, I could understand…
More Than Half of U.S. Doctors Experience Burnout
(Reuters Health)—Burnout among U.S. doctors is becoming more common and now affects more than half of practicing physicians, according to a new study.¹ About 54% of U.S. doctors experienced at least one symptom of burnout in 2014, compared to about 46% in 2011, researchers report in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Overall, the researchers found that doctors are…
Meditation May Help Prevent Physician Burnout
Physician burnout is high and climbing. A 2015 report published by Medscape showed that nearly half (46%) of physicians surveyed responded that they were experiencing burnout; that number is up from 39.8% reported in a similar survey in 2013.1 These physicians experience the tell-tale signs of burnout: loss of enthusiasm for work (or emotional exhaustion),…
How to Manage Physician Burnout
Stress-coping techniques for physicians under strain of healthcare industry changes