Updated research on the complexities of central nervous system (CNS) lupus, as well as its diagnosis and treatment are discussed.

Updated research on the complexities of central nervous system (CNS) lupus, as well as its diagnosis and treatment are discussed.
Many a rheumatology consult has centered on a perplexing question: Does this patient have central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis? At the 2021 ACR State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium, Rula Hajj-Ali, MD, FACP, professor of medicine and associate director of vasculitis care and research, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, discussed this topic in detail, providing a series…
Although systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) affects both the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS), past research has primarily focused on how lupus affects the CNS. Now, an international, inception cohort study, “Peripheral Nervous System Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,” published in Arthritis & Rheumatology, has examined different types of PNS disease to…
A recent study found that the perception of experimentally induced pain is closely associated with neurocognitive symptoms, such as attention, memory and executive function, in fibromyalgia patients. Specifically, fibromyalgia patients described low-intensity pressure as more painful than controls did…
New research into neurosarcoidosis suggests certain clinical and imaging features are indicative of a more aggressive neurological disease. The study provides insight into the clinical features of neurosarcoidosis, as well as the relationship between neurological involvement and systemic disease…
During the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, Richard Pope, MD, highlighted some of the top scientific literature on rheumatic disease from 2017. The review session discussed research on the effects of microglia on the central nervous system of SLE patients, the role of adenosine in osteoarthritis and more…
RETRACTED Editor’s note: The study this article reported on was retracted by the researchers. Key aspects could not be replicated, and they said, “Most importantly, the findings from behaviour studies and sequencing of microglia isolated from 564Igi autoimmune mice as shown in Figs. 1a, b, d and 3a, b are not substantiated upon further analysis…
CHICAGO—Delia Chiaramonte, MD, associate director of education at the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, presented the newest thinking on pain to a gathering of rheumatologists at the ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium in April. She began by explaining that pain is more than nociception. Nociception stimulates nerves to…
Atul Kapila, MD, Tayseer Haroun, MBBS, & Jayanth Doss, MD |
Case Presentation The patient was a 42-year-old African American female diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) based on the findings of polyarthritis, malar and discoid rash, fatigue, positive double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) ribonucleoprotein and Smith antibodies, and low serum complement levels. Her SLE had been well controlled on hydroxychloroquine 400 mg daily, oral methotrexate 25 mg…
Neurologists and rheumatologists focus on atypical diseases, and their treatments often require insights from both specialties. Philip Seo, MD, MHS, says communication between specialists is key to diagnosis and treatment…